The Life and Times of Sayuri, Summer, and Regette

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Reg's life as a somewhat responsible adult

I’ve been having a terrible time thinking of something to post about, because everything I think of typing leads to a bitter rant about my ex. This in turns leads to the thought of a conversation I had with him a while ago, when I first told him that Summer, Sayuri and I had a blog.
He asked what we blogged about, and I replied something like “life.”
Then he said, “Oh, so you just complain then.”
This makes me wish I had something more to say than a bitter rant about him, because I don’t want him to be right. Though in truth he never read the blog even when we were together and I knew this, I still didn’t want him to be right. I cared very much what he thought—I guess that was my problem.
Anyway, I thought I’d list the awesome things that have happened in the last week.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

A Gentleman and Three Ladies

This morning, a young (college age) man held the forum door open for two young ladies, let a young man walk out, and then held the door open for me insisting I go first. I wish more of this kind of old-world manners was present in the world today.


Monday, October 24, 2011

How the Daily Dust was born

It was a dark and stormy winter night.....all was quiet except for the quiet squeaking coming from the abandoned basement of the shared home of Summer, Reg, and Sayuri. Sitting in their victorian styled parlor, discussing the local gossip of the town over their coffee and cream puffs when lightening struck!! Screaming, they run to find something to put the fire out with. A moaning sound from the basement AND.........

We interrupt our usually scheduled programming to bring you an important announcement from out sponsors...

Are you allergic to BS? Do you feel like the above story is full of dog doo? It is! The truth is on sale now for the low low payment of three comments! That's right, comment on 3 daily dust posts (including this one so we know you're participating) and leave your initials and we will tell you how the daily dust came to fruition :)

Til then,

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Some Sad Truths of Reg's

She uses skype to talk to her roommate when he’s in the other room.
The most intelligent question she’s asked this weekend was, “Are the letters on your keyboard in Russian or English?”*
Her idea of dressing for a night out involves nylons , ballet flats, and a button up short sleeve sweater.
When men ask her, “How you doin’?” she ignores them because it’s easier to assume they are talking to somebody else.
She has a nasty habit of glaring at strangers.
Her hobbies are the same as her grandmother’s—cooking, baking, sewing, reading,scrapbooking and coffee.
She can make moonshine.
She should just move on but she can’t.
She’s suspicious that everyone else knows exactly what they are supposed to be doing and she didn’t get the memo.
She always turns the key the wrong way first when trying to open a locked door.
*The answer is both.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Summer's Tents


Yesterday, something very strange happened to me... I skipped school to look at college (I'm so cool) and managed to hit San Francisco and Monterey.

On our drive up there, my mom joked about if we met the head of the music department... then we quoted Gilmore Girls. Typical day, right?

Only thing is, when we went to Monterey... we did meet the head of the music department.

It was freaky. We walked into the tiny music building and the girl at the desk was like "let me see if he's in" and then we were just in his office, talking to him. It was so weird. I thought you had to make an appointment for something like that... needless to say, our "conversation" went something like this:

Him: Blahbledyblahbledyblah?
Me: Umm...
Him: Blahblahblahbedyblah. Blahblahbleh, blahdy?
Me: Umm...
Him: Blahahaha! Blahbedyblah.
Me: Thank you for taking the time to talk with me!

And... that's pretty much how it went.

Actually, that's an accurate summary of any conversation I have with anyone.

While the whole thing was just really awkward and I had no idea what to say, I actually learned something very important about the application process.

Apparently, I've been doing it wrong.

This whole time I've been worried about what uni would want me rather than about what uni I wanted. Apparently that's not the way to get a Ph.D... who knew?

After revising my research techniques, I've found four universities I'd like to apply to. Now comes the hard part...

To audition as a composition major for one of them, I must submit three completed and diverse compositions.

Three freaking compositions.

If I finish one, I'll be proud. But three? Kill me now!

Needless to say, the next few months to come will be incredibly intense. Intense, I tell you!

This whole process would be a lot more fun if it were done in tents... Get it? Intense? In tents? No? Hmm... maybe I'm a bit sleep deprived.


Speaking of the months to come, I have a question for my lovely ladies Sayuri and Reg. Are you doing NaNoWriMo this year?

I know Reg participated last year, but I don't know about Say... it sounds like something up both of your alleys! Selfishly, I'd love for you to do it since I'd love to read the finished products. But life isn't about you, Summer...

I had originally intended on participating, but it seems my coming months will be filled with a different kind of writing altogether.

So... are you participating? Let me know! If you are, link me to your NaNoWriMo profile.

If you aren't... I'm... sad.

Sign up here!

Less than three,

~ Summer

p.s. sorry this was such a boring post, but... yeah. Maybe this will help:

Saturday, October 15, 2011

"Reg doesn't want to be a crappy housewife"--a few of Reg's regrets about her life

The appropriate, mature answer to “Do you have any regrets in life?” or “If you could go back in time and change one thing about your life, what would it be?” is similar to “I have no regrets; I would change nothing because everything I have done has shaped my personality and I have done my best to learn from my mistakes.”
How do I know? The above was the thesis of my college admissions essays (though I paraphrased a bit.)
Is it true? Would I change nothing about my life?
Absolutely not.
Thus I thought, as I have not made a list in a while, I would share my favorite regrets (not the biggest regrets though, because that would be depressing…)

Friday, October 14, 2011

Summer's Oxygen

So, I think I might be lactose intolerant.

Naturally, I'm going off dairy.

That would be cool and all if I hadn't just found out that the side effects of going off dairy are almost exactly the same as having an intolerance to dairy.

So basically, I can't win.

I feel as though I was just told "you'll die if you breathe any more oxygen, but don't stop breathing oxygen 'cause you'll die."


I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts, teedleedee. Here they are standing in a row...

Bum, bum, bum...

Less than three,

~ Summer

p.s. Yes, going off cheese is the equivalent of dying to me. Apparently, cheese is addictive. Who knew...

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Summer's Impending Departure

Senior year.

It's supposed to be the most magical year of your life, isn't it?

Every school event is the last one you'll attend as a student. Think about it. As a senior, homecoming is your last homecoming. Winter Formal is your last Winter Formal. Prom is your last prom. Rallies, football games, and dances are slowly coming to an end. Also, every other class is obligated to like you and the teachers recognize you as the most mature class on campus.

It doesn't get any better, right?


Senior year is the most stressful, frightening, and depressing year of my life. Sound cynical? Let me explain.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Summer's Fork

Tonight I found myself watching chick-flicks on the couch while feeling bitter and eating frozen yogurt with a fork.

In some ways I am painfully stereotypical, and in other ways...

... I'm such a dork.

Less than three,

~ Summer

Sunday, October 09, 2011

Summer's Lobby

Whenever someone says "Jesus" out of context at school, I imagine they're talking about Cheesus.

It makes their ridiculous conversations infinitely more entertaining!

So the other day I was at my mom's work waiting to talk to her, but it was super busy so I had to wait in the lobby for people to leave. After about ten minutes, I started to notice something strange... practically everyone entering or leaving the lobby gave me really weird looks.

"Well, I am just sitting here instead of getting in line..." I thought to myself. "I wonder why they think I'm here?"

This got me thinking...

WHAT do they think I'm doing here?!

I decided to solve this Summer style; a list of the top five things they think I might be.

Summer's Letter

Dear ex-string-trio-member...

I'm gonna be totally honest with you... I wish I knew your secret.

HOW do you get so many people to like you?!

I've been around you for my entire life, and I still don't get it. Any "conversations" had with you involve a lot of listening to you gab on about whatever might be going on in your life, or you complaining about how there's nothing going on in your life.

By the way, the near-hour car ride where you talked about how you don't have any real friends? Yeah. Thanks for that. I was running out of awkward that day, and you restocked my shelves with supplies to spare.

I'm not sure what I love about you the most... your extroverted awkwardness, your natural rudeness, or your unrealistic belief that you're the best at everything.

Honestly, when I think of all the things I've seen you do or heard you say, I can't imagine you having the popularity that you do.

Yet, you do.

Somehow, you managed to get everyone to think you were one of the "cool kids", as if things like that matter. You were the life of the party. You got everyone to think of you the way you think of yourself. I applaud you for that.

In the end, I'm extremely relieved that you're at university now... not just because you are states away from me, but also because you're going to have a nasty reality check over there.

Have fun.

Less than three,

~ Summer

Thursday, October 06, 2011

Dear awkward high school crush, sincerely Reg

Dear awkward high school crush,
I wanted to tell you thank you for writing “I’m sorry” in my yearbook junior year—it made me feel wonderful about myself.