Ah, a serious post. How rare...just kidding :P We here at the Daily Dust do write serious posts every once in a blue moon.
Today, I am addressing long distance relationships............It is not original, and the following is nothing that will be earth-shattering to many of you.
My boyfriend, Tom, lives approximately one-thousand, nine-hundred, and ninety-seven point six miles away from me at this particular moment.
I am not complaining. At least, not really. Because Tom is one million percent worth dealing with the distance. I am one of the luckiest girls (if not the luckiest) in the entire world.
However, days like today make me
miss him very, very, much. I rely on him in many ways, and he is one of the people that make life worth living. Today, extended family (that isn't related, but family nonetheless) dropped by with their new baby and I just sat wishing he could meet them all. Not to mention, after dealing with attitudes the size of Texas, I think I could use one of his hugs.
It's a day by day thing. A countdown to see him has commenced and although I will miss my family, he is definitely a part of my family now. Like I said, I'm not complaining, but merely stating how very much I miss him.
It'll be a work-in-progress as far as my patience for the next 33 days.
Until we meet again,
You perfectly balance our seriousness, darlin'- reg