The Life and Times of Sayuri, Summer, and Regette

Friday, July 01, 2011

Summer's Issue

I'm on number 10 of the list! Yay for double digits...

10. Examine a problem. Take an issue that people often get stuck on and go in depth into its causes and solutions.

I'm really glad that this is on the list, because there is actually a huge issue that I've been meaning to address. This is that of the common combination of boots/uggs with short shorts.

I've often wondered how such a useless outfit came to be... do girls really have freezing feet and hot legs at the same time? I have never fallen ill to this affliction, but apparently it's highly contagious.

Now, I don't want to seem like a hypocrite... more often than not, I wear ankle boots with a mini skirt. However, this is because I'm extremely self-conscious about my ankles, not because I don't know how to dress weather appropriately.

Since this is such a baffling issue, I've formulated several possible reasons for this common folly.

1. Lack of Resources

Perhaps these poor girls did once own long pants, but due to an unfortunate lifetime in an orphanage not unlike that in "Annie", they were forced to cut their pants into booty shorts as their pants had too many holes in them to be worn as pants. This would also explain why so many girls insist on wearing booty shorts in the winter... it also explains why they never seem to own a jacket and are forced daily to wear one from a guy.

2. Concussion

Perhaps they fell off the cheerleading pyramid one too many times, rendering them incapable of making logical decisions. Not only does this explain their inability to choosing functional outfits but also their inability to choose boyfriends that they actually have something in common with.

3. Poor Circulation

Perhaps their feet really ARE that cold. If they didn't wear uggs with booty shorts, would their feet freeze over and fall off? Somebody get those girls some wool socks!

4. Desperate Attempt at Attracting a Man

Perhaps they think that wearing boots with short shorts will make guys like them... I really wish someone would disillusion them to that. Then again, as far as I know wearing boots with booty shorts really DOES make guys like you... Unfortunately, I have too much self-respect to try it.

5. Bandwagon Effect

Perhaps these poor girls have fallen victim to the "Bandwagon Effect", in which the masses are convinced that something is "cool" when in fact it's really, really lame. This would also explain how wearing leggings as pants became popular (seriously, who the f*** thought that was a good idea!? Put some pants on, for goodness sake).

My solution?

Get some help.

Again, I don't mean to by hypocritical or judgemental... I genuinely don't understand why this is so popular!

If you have any ideas, let me know...

Less than three,

~ Summer

p.s. What's your biggest fashion pet peeve? Let us know in the comments or on our facebook page!


  1. =) eloquent and a good point as per usual Summer <3

  2. I once participated in this phenomena. It was not at all comfortable, as my feet were very warm and my legs were just meh.

    It is pointless. What I hate most is when cowboy boots are worn with shorts or a miniskirt. I have dealt with many cows and horses, and never once would it have been a good idea to wear my boots with my skirt/ shorts.

    Unless of course I wanted to hurt my poor, beautiful legs. Which I don't, obviously.
