The Life and Times of Sayuri, Summer, and Regette

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

And then she was bitten, and that was the beginning. The beginning, of the END; a post by Sayuri

Oh dear. Here I was being practical. Pulling out a calculator (via the super savings calculator!) which said in order for me to save $20,000 between now & May 19th 2014 (my college graduation date), it would take $588.24 per month. All of the sudden, a down payment on a $100,000 home seemed completely doable, totally in reach...and then, my practicality was stolen away from me. I was bitten. Bitten by...
the travel bug.


Here I sit, peacefully watching House Hunters International on HGTV (I highly recommend that channel by the way), and the man wants a house in Rio de Janeiro. It's gorgeous. I want to go. Then I think...huh...$20,000 and I will only be 22. Tom will be 22. We could travel the world, together. Before any (more) talk of settling, before the M-word (*cough*Iwontsaymarriage*cough*), before the pitter-patter of little feet, we could see the seven wonders of the world or the seven natural wonders of the world. I could go to all of the places I dream of seeing that I'm afraid I will never be allowed to go. We could make memories that would last a few lifetimes. It is so tempting. I want to make a list. I want to save more than $20,000. I want to get a passport and be able to show my children the stamps, tell them the stories, proudly display the photos of the dream.


Who says this can't be my reality?

             With 30 days left,

1 comment:

  1. I have a fear of not seeing and experiencing as much as I can, so I'm biased when I say that you should do everything and anything before you settle down.
