The Life and Times of Sayuri, Summer, and Regette

Monday, July 18, 2011

It's "funner" to say "Arkansas" in Arkansas--Reg goes back to her "ruts"

Today I after I awoke, vulgarly insulted my alarm clock, and shoved the dog off of my side of the bed, I had a relization completely unrelated to the current happenings:

On August 2nd, 2011, I will have been in Arkansas twice in one year.

I will have been to Arkansas twice-- once was more than my fill of Wal-marts, cheap beer, poor grammar, and inescapable humidity.

Now, perhaps Arkansas isn't such a terrible place, but my perception of it is. My memories include being screamed at 6:00am in the morning because my door was locked and driving in a thunderstorm in an old Chevy that did not have windshield wipers.

There were a few good times-- like when tour guide Tanner told me "funner" is a word in Arkansas, or when I played "Highway to Hell" at my Aunt's wedding.

In reflection, Arkansas is one of those hilariously terrible places I've been. I wouldn't trade Arkansas for the world...well, to be honest if I'm swapping places I'll probably swap it for just about anywhere, so the idiom is meaningless.

ArKANSAS, I should say. It's "funner" to say "ArKANSAS" in Arkansas because the government tells me not to.
Your butterfly,

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