The Life and Times of Sayuri, Summer, and Regette

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Summer's Highlights

“There’s nowhere you can be that isn’t where you’re meant to be.” – The Beatles

Hello, there.  Welcome to my thoughts!

Today I’d like to tackle the topic of blogging.  First, because this is a blog and it’s probably the easiest thing to write about.  It’s like discussing apple pie while eating apple pie…  you have a first-hand experience to reference.

Now I really want pie…

Anyway! My second reason is because this particular blog’s birthday was exactly a month and a day ago, March 25th.

It’s hard for me to believe that it’s only been a year since we created this page…  It’s hard for me to believe that all the craziness, happiness, confusion, frustration, and general silliness that has happened since the evening of this blog’s creation has occurred within a span of 13 months.  Yet, occurred it has!

Thank you, Sayuri and Regette, for creating and maintaining this blog with me for over a year! Whether we post after this day or not, we have successfully catalogued the highlights of our year, and that’s good enough for me!

I love you both very very much!

Less than three,

~ Summer

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Summer's Acquaintances

“So, needless to say, I’m odds and ends; but I’ll be stumbling away, slowly learning that life is okay.” – A-Ha

As this blog has more or less become a means of communication between its writers, I say a jolly hello to the lovely Sayuri and Regette!

It has been so long since I’ve seen either of you that I hardly remember what you look like! Have you gone blond? Have you gotten devastatingly disfiguring plastic surgery? Have you started wearing black lipstick? These are the things I may never know…

I do, however, wish to know what y’all have been up to lately! Therefore, I am writing an open letter to you both, in hopes that you will read it and write one in reply.

My life has been terribly typical lately, which means it’s the perfect combination of stress and uncertainty that has kept me entertained for almost 18 years.  The most recent things on my mind are my senior recital, the youth symphony’s final concert, graduation, university, and making it to each of my appointments and obligations reasonably regularly.

What has been going on in your lives? I am dying to know!

In blogging fashion, there is one topic I wish to address…  it is that of acquaintances.

You know, those people that you’ve seen before (maybe even spoken to) but have never spent enough quality time with to call them friends? Sadly enough, I have far too many of these.

Now, is it just me, or do they tend to show up at the most awkward times possible? For example…

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Some Days

Some days, I feel like screaming.

Like running outside, climbing a tree, and screaming.

We're told as kids that life isn't fair. It isn't until adulthood that we realize just how true that statement is.

It's losing the people you love. It's being abandoned by people that are supposed to care. It's finding out that death is coming to someone so sweet you can't fathom why. It isn't fair.


Saturday, February 25, 2012

Summer's Signature Scent


I hate salesmen with every fiber of my being.

Now, in a manner of speaking, I (as a barista) am a salesman.

Conveniently, I choose not to speak in that manner.

Just today, some dimwit walked into the coffee shop with no intention of buying coffee.  From the moment he walked in, I could tell he was extrovertly awkward as his eyes were a trifle too drowsy and his voice a trifle too loud (contrary to popular belief, those are the exact qualities of an awkward extrovert).  Immediately, I was expecting him to order some organic wheat-thins omega-fish-oil concoction, but instead I got this:

Friday, February 10, 2012

Why I love Romance Novels...and Starbucks

   It has been far too long. The truth of the matter is, I have been so wrapped up in everything going on offline that I haven't made time to talk about anything of consequence online. So, after finally picking up a book I enjoy...Reg is smiling saying 'one of those books', and I've decided to tell you why I enjoy the wonderful world of the cheap romance section.
        Love is easy. Things happen, bad things and you know everything is going to work out for the hero and heroine.
         You know when something is coming. In life, surprises are just that...surprises. In a romance novel, the writers stick to the same plot line...there is trouble, it gets worked out, the couple is happy for a brief page or five and then larger trouble happens. It always will come, but it will also always be resolved and the couple will end up together.
        It's a wonderful escape from reality. I can get swept away in a romance faster than any other genre. I don't know if it's because I am a girl or because I am a hopeless romantic, but there you have it. I fall in love as the heroine does, have my heart broken as she breaks his heart, and rejoice when they are finally together.

 In closing, I also like Starbucks coffee....when at Starbucks, my frappuccino always is school, the blended coffee (which is supposed to be like a frap) always clumps together whether it's -30 degrees F or 60 degrees F.

     Until next time,

BTW: Read Memoirs of A Geisha. You won't regret it....also, read Wuthering Heights...just don't tell Reg I said so :p

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Summer's Fortune Cookie

“’Oh, I don’t know! But he shouldn’t be standing around all by himself.’ ‘Drop it,’ said Rearden.  While thinking dimly that he did not want to hurt their feelings, he could not prevent himself from adding, ‘You don’t know how hard I’ve tried to be left standing all by myself.’” ~ Atlas Shrugged

Well hello there, my little dustpans!

… no?

You know what I’ve noticed? It’s socially acceptable to say “epic fail” to someone else, but to say it to yourself is more than a little depressing.  I find this in itself depressing because there should always be a self-belittling phrase for any situation! Therefore, I’ve concocted one myself…

Friday, January 20, 2012

Here is the first post on my other blog

Before you reaction is "what other blog?" I want to preemptively say, "It's not you, it's me."

I had to. For class.

Monday, January 16, 2012

An oldy but goody from Reg's junk pile

Remember our favorite things lists from Summer and Honey?

I made one too! And I finally found it, at the bottom of my pile of crap to put on my bare apartment walls.
crap?--I call that art

Friday, January 13, 2012

Summer's Musical

"Cats scratch you for no reason, so they should understand if you wipe your nose off on them for no reason." - Michael Hartz

Hello everyone, and welcome to 2o12!

... plus 13 days.

It's a bit awkward to be blogging again for many reasons, one of which being that I still don't have enough of a life to pull me away from my computer...

Another reason is simply that, hey, it's been a while.

As my last post was over a month ago, I'm at a loss as to how I should begin this... So, I'll get through this the way I get through most of life: I'll copy someone else's idea.

Yes, today I'll follow Reg's example and talk about my new year's resolutions (now, officially, I never made any. However, as well as a world-champion idea copier, I'm also a first-class bullshit-er. So here it goes).

1. Cuss less

Now, I know I don't seem like the most blatant cusser in the world, but trust me. I have my moments. In lew of this (if that's even how you spell "lew"), I've constructed a few handy phrases to use in place of cuss words. For example, when I think "f*** my life" I'll instead sing "how could this happen to me?!?!?" from the song of the same title by the forever whiny Simple Plan (who misses whiny boybands? Anyone? ... Anyone besides Justin Bieber?). Similarly, in place of "f*** off" I'll sing (in my best Jack Black impersonation) "STEP OFF!!!"

... Apparently, this resolution involves my life turning into a giant musical.

No complaints.

2. Write More Music

What's the point of having a passion if you don't pursue it? Notice, there aren't any movies about the loser kid who dreams of being a basketball star, gets asked to play on the team, and says "Nahh... I'm not really feeling it." Or evil queens being told by their magic mirrors that they're in fact not the fairest of them all and replying with a "mehh, whatevs. Wanna watch some Gossip Girl?"

3. Get My Poop In Group

Besides being a clean way of saying "get my shit together" (and being my new favorite phrase), this basically describes the theme of this new year (for me, at least. You can leave your poop lying around for all I care). I've spent the last few years of my life being SO INCREDIBLY LAZY, I swear I turned into Snorlax at one point. It wasn't my most attractive look. So, this year, I'd like to clean myself up a bit. Stop treating my room like a junkyard, stop procrastinating for every single assignment, and start focusing a little more on reading and music. If there's anything I learned in 2011, it's that I'm far more capable of a successful life than I give myself credit. Therefore, I'm going to start putting that capability to use.

I suppose I could continue, but I'll stop boring you and move onto something more constructive (like YouTube!).

Thanks for reading! I hope all your resolutions are going splendidly and that your wildest dreams have already come true.

Or, I at least hope you're eating chocolate.

That's almost as nice.

Less than three,

~ Summer

Thursday, January 12, 2012

zdrah-stvooy, duh svee-dah-nee-ye--maybe Reg should just give up before it's too late

                                It’s, uh, been awhile. Hasn’t it?
I apologize for going so long without a post that this seems awkward. If I had attempted this sooner, I could’ve jumped right in with my usual ever-so-insightful exposition on life (that is sarcasm, dearies) but now it’s been that indeterminate amount of time it takes to get from reasonable hiatus to near-blog death (or at least blog coma.)
Honestly, this post is born of guilt.
My classes started for the semester, and my English class requires me to keep a blog—thus I decided if I had to post somewhere else on the web, it was unfair of me not to post here.
It’s a new year and all, so I might as well share my resolutions:
1.       DGAF as much as possible.
My OCD is getting quite bad at college. I have to actively remind myself that normal people don’t clean the microwave and stove obsessively after every use, and it is perfectly reasonable to leave the dishes in the sink and wash them once a day instead of the moment after every dirtied dish is empty of food.  
This also applies to my boy-crazy ways. It is not necessary to make eyes at every remotely attractive man who passes by on the way to class.  
2.       Save money and don’t tell anyone.
Mostly this is because my roommates always pay rent at the last possible moment and often short me a couple dollars (and by “a couple” I actually mean closer to a hundred.) Their rent is not my problem. So I am running my accounts down as low as possible, opening a secret savings account and telling everyone I’m broke as a joke.
3.       Learn Russian
Not like I learned Spanish in high school.  I need to apply myself every single day to learn a language—being able to say “party tomorrow”, “I want one more beer please” and “my lover is the son of Francisco” does not count as proficiency. (and no tumblr in class)

That’s all. I suppose I could now let you know what has happened lately:
I went back to California and my dad had given away my cat and had an appointment to take my dog to the humane society. His girlfriend had moved in (and no one thought to tell me). My childhood friend’s mother has been having marriage problems and now parties with my dad and his girlfriend, getting so wasted she often can’t drive home and sleeps in my bed. Her son and my childhood crush is over at my Dad’s house more often than I am (he’s now a condescending, mockingly sarcastic douche bag.) His sister posts vast amounts of red solo cup pictures on facebook. My grandma repeats herself more often than she did and I didn’t get to see Summer the entire week before I left.
But I made more money at work in three weeks than I made all semester in North Carolina. Summer and Honey and I had an awesome Denny’s hopping experience and party out in the boondocks. I baked 11 pies, two pans of brownies and three dozen cookies. I saw the beach, the ranch, my favorite little touristy beach town and went shopping in the local college town at night. I met a nice tattoo artist who fixed some of the lines on my bad decision from Charlotte. I visited with three of my closest friends, spent time with five of seven grandparents (some are step, that’s how that number works), took my dog on a couple last jeep rides, and had a conversation with my 2 and a half year old niece.
Finally, my dad cooked pancakes shaped like various animals—and he served them on my Lion King plate.
(I tried to make the good paragraph longer than the bad).
p.s. I don’t even know what the letters are in that, so yah. I’ve got a lot to learn.

Sunday, January 08, 2012

Alas...I miss Reg and Summer

Where art thou? I miss the funny posts that could make boring days fun :)  Come back! Come back!