The Life and Times of Sayuri, Summer, and Regette

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Summer's Signature Scent


I hate salesmen with every fiber of my being.

Now, in a manner of speaking, I (as a barista) am a salesman.

Conveniently, I choose not to speak in that manner.

Just today, some dimwit walked into the coffee shop with no intention of buying coffee.  From the moment he walked in, I could tell he was extrovertly awkward as his eyes were a trifle too drowsy and his voice a trifle too loud (contrary to popular belief, those are the exact qualities of an awkward extrovert).  Immediately, I was expecting him to order some organic wheat-thins omega-fish-oil concoction, but instead I got this:

Friday, February 10, 2012

Why I love Romance Novels...and Starbucks

   It has been far too long. The truth of the matter is, I have been so wrapped up in everything going on offline that I haven't made time to talk about anything of consequence online. So, after finally picking up a book I enjoy...Reg is smiling saying 'one of those books', and I've decided to tell you why I enjoy the wonderful world of the cheap romance section.
        Love is easy. Things happen, bad things and you know everything is going to work out for the hero and heroine.
         You know when something is coming. In life, surprises are just that...surprises. In a romance novel, the writers stick to the same plot line...there is trouble, it gets worked out, the couple is happy for a brief page or five and then larger trouble happens. It always will come, but it will also always be resolved and the couple will end up together.
        It's a wonderful escape from reality. I can get swept away in a romance faster than any other genre. I don't know if it's because I am a girl or because I am a hopeless romantic, but there you have it. I fall in love as the heroine does, have my heart broken as she breaks his heart, and rejoice when they are finally together.

 In closing, I also like Starbucks coffee....when at Starbucks, my frappuccino always is school, the blended coffee (which is supposed to be like a frap) always clumps together whether it's -30 degrees F or 60 degrees F.

     Until next time,

BTW: Read Memoirs of A Geisha. You won't regret it....also, read Wuthering Heights...just don't tell Reg I said so :p