Alas, my dearest readers, I am a very sad soul. I take complete responsibility for my lack of posting and will do my best to change my poor habits in the future. However, I come back to the blog of my beloved friends and myself to find that my dear friend Reg is on strike....WHY???? I am deeply saddened by this occurrence and it bothers me down to the core. Reg is so eloquent, so writer-ish, so epically amazing that the idea her thoughts and humorous anecdotes from day to day shall not be included on our blog is nothing short of a travesty. I love Reg & Summer very much and wish nothing but happiness for them in ALL they would hope to achieve ....
With love & concern,
The Life and Times of Sayuri, Summer, and Regette
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
How have you NOT visited our facebook page?!/pages/The-Daily-Dust/124185710995272
Still didn't click it, ey? Now Charlie Brown is sad... :'(!/pages/The-Daily-Dust/124185710995272
Still didn't click it, ey? Now Charlie Brown is sad... :'(
Summer's Explanations
So, today the power was out at my school.
For some reason, our school is totally incapable of running without electricity. Therefore, school was cancelled. I found this quite ironic... the one thing that's supposed to be enhancing our education has now inhibited it. Thank you, school, for relying so heavily on technology.
Anyways, so while at first I was totally jazzed about the absence of school (I may have run through the streets pulling an Alice Cooper), after a good think I came to the conclusion that the power outage was weird. After another good think, I decided it was weird because the power was out at ONLY my school... Not at any of the surrounding houses, not at any of the surrounding stores, not even at the nearby traffic lights. Nope. My school ONLY. Therefore, after yet another think, I came up with two possible explanations for the power outage.
For some reason, our school is totally incapable of running without electricity. Therefore, school was cancelled. I found this quite ironic... the one thing that's supposed to be enhancing our education has now inhibited it. Thank you, school, for relying so heavily on technology.
Anyways, so while at first I was totally jazzed about the absence of school (I may have run through the streets pulling an Alice Cooper), after a good think I came to the conclusion that the power outage was weird. After another good think, I decided it was weird because the power was out at ONLY my school... Not at any of the surrounding houses, not at any of the surrounding stores, not even at the nearby traffic lights. Nope. My school ONLY. Therefore, after yet another think, I came up with two possible explanations for the power outage.
Monday, May 30, 2011
On Strike
Until further notice, Reg will be on strike...
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Reg is just a scared small-town girl
I'm going to be serious, and I'm sorry...
I'm a small-town girl, born and raised, and I'm going to graduate in 2 weeks.
I'm a small-town girl, born and raised, and I'm going to graduate in 2 weeks.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Worry is a Fickled obvious request by Sayuri
Reg & Summer will appreciate my use of alliteration there...let me tell you what my darling readers, it is exceptionally unkind to let a family/friend, whom you know is inclined to worry, worry. Yes, worry is an unkind, unmotivating, uninspiring, flinchingly fail-tastic, kind of emotion that allows one to dwell on worrisome things. FOR EXAMPLE, tonight, my dears, a family friend is missing. Not send out a squad car, call the media, missing, but missing nevertheless. We received (well my mom received) more than three phone prior to noon this morning with no voice mail (very unlike the friend in question). The car has not been home since this morning (as far as we know), and this friend doesn't like/can't drive at night. She is with a toddler and a husband who likewise dislikes driving at night. They are older than fifty, and always let someone (namely my family) know where they are going, when they will be back, and why they are going there. WHY, do you ask? Because we are a community of police officers/police officers' families and that is what we do. It's a safety precaution (highly recommended btw, especially if you're a college student REG). So no word, no lights, no one home, no car, no one is answering a cell phone (including their daughter in Texas), and it's midnight here. I feel as though tonight will be a sleepless (or sleep-little) one and I pray that wherever they are, they are safe and will let us know so in the morning. SO my dearest readers, my quest for you (in addition to praying they're safe) is to never let those who worry, have cause to worry about you. No matter how annoying the worry may seem, it is out of care and concern for your general health & well-being.
A letter to the California Weather, from Reg
Dear California Weather,
WTF? Don't you understand that the way you are acting is unacceptable? It was raining all last week (when your average precipitation for that the entire month of May for the last hundred years has been <.5 inch), and just when I think it is about to be lovely and warm, you get all windy-cold-cloudy again. This is not the sort of weather I can get a decent tan in, and bikini season is right around the corner!
It wouldn't be a problem, but you made regular, warm Mediterranean summers your "thing." Do you suppose that you can just go changing on me, when I loved you just the way you were, due to some mid-life crisis or something? Is this what you call "being faithful?"
I wanted you, Weather, to know exactly how I felt. I have to deal with you the rest of my life, and know what you did to me the summer of my senior year. So please, please, get back to some traditional California sunshine, because I don't know if I can handle your noncommittal, wishy-washy nonsense.
I'm sure North Carolina wouldn't be so fickle.
(That, dearest Weather, was a burn)
With love and trepidation, always your butterfly, etc, etc,
WTF? Don't you understand that the way you are acting is unacceptable? It was raining all last week (when your average precipitation for that the entire month of May for the last hundred years has been <.5 inch), and just when I think it is about to be lovely and warm, you get all windy-cold-cloudy again. This is not the sort of weather I can get a decent tan in, and bikini season is right around the corner!
It wouldn't be a problem, but you made regular, warm Mediterranean summers your "thing." Do you suppose that you can just go changing on me, when I loved you just the way you were, due to some mid-life crisis or something? Is this what you call "being faithful?"
I wanted you, Weather, to know exactly how I felt. I have to deal with you the rest of my life, and know what you did to me the summer of my senior year. So please, please, get back to some traditional California sunshine, because I don't know if I can handle your noncommittal, wishy-washy nonsense.
I'm sure North Carolina wouldn't be so fickle.
(That, dearest Weather, was a burn)
With love and trepidation, always your butterfly, etc, etc,
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Summer's Videos
So today I had the honor of cleaning a public restroom... Let's just say I have renewed respect for janitors.
Anyways... On to item 2 of this handy dandy list!
Anyways... On to item 2 of this handy dandy list!
The birth of the CPF-- Reg ponders, "Why do men always check us out when we are cruisin' in the jeep?"
In the title of this piece, I posed a question.
A question I already knew the answer to...(unfair), but I have a story to tell.
So today Cinnamon, Honey and I were on the freeway, cruisin' in Jerome the Jeep, when a lifted gray f250 pulled alongside us. For several miles, that f250 would not pass us, and we had to deal with the pounding subwolfer. I did not have to turn my head to understand that a common phenomena was occurring; we were being checked out.
A question I already knew the answer to...(unfair), but I have a story to tell.
So today Cinnamon, Honey and I were on the freeway, cruisin' in Jerome the Jeep, when a lifted gray f250 pulled alongside us. For several miles, that f250 would not pass us, and we had to deal with the pounding subwolfer. I did not have to turn my head to understand that a common phenomena was occurring; we were being checked out.
Monday, May 23, 2011
Summer's Photo
Please wait while I google "things to blog about".
Aha! This is perfect...
I decided that as of tonight, I'm going to start going down the list. Hooray!
Aha! This is perfect...
I decided that as of tonight, I'm going to start going down the list. Hooray!
Anywhere, yet here: a post by a slightly down Sayuri
I could be anywhere. I could be in Paris, at the Louvre, looking into the visions of the great masters; the works of Michelangelo, Raphael, Da Vinci, Artemesia, Bosch, Rembrandt, and so many more. I could be in Rome, sitting in the Colosseum, imagining the gladiator battles of long ago. I could be in Ireland, roaming the green rolling hills, exploring the castles, listening to the stories of a culture I can claim as my own. I could be in the Amazonian Rain Forest, exploring the unknown, and getting exceptionally freaked out by the large, chicken-eating spiders. I could be in Canada, exploring the French Quarter, reveling the the French roots I also lay claim to. I could be in Mexico, teaching in the villages, spreading the message of the Lord. I could be in Africa, working with Mercy Ships to bring comfort and health to those who need it. I could be scuba-diving and looking at the great barrier reef in Australia, or mountain climbing in New Zealand. I could be learning Chinese in China as I look upon the Great Wall or help with earthquake relief in Japan. I could take the train on the seven day trip across Russia and see the Ural Mountains. I could visit Taiwan, and Vietnam. I could visit my friend in Norway, sing in a pub in England, declare myself a neutral traveler in Switzerland, or learn from the Matadors in Spain. I could help with Tornado relief in the midwest or the east. I could do all of these things, and yet, here I am. Stuck on my couch, sicker than I care to be, with the dreams of going to all of these places dancing around my head.
Until I'm Well Again,
Until I'm Well Again,
Summer's Lesson part 2
If there's one thing I've had to hear a million and one times in choir, it's that the purpose of music is for it to be shared.
If your eyebrows are raised by that, don't be alarmed: so are mine.
If your eyebrows are raised by that, don't be alarmed: so are mine.
Sunday, May 22, 2011
An interrogation of Tom--The highlights of Summer and Reg's questioning
All boyfriends must endure the interrogation of their girlfriend's best friends...but some friends are subtler than others.
Summer and Regette are about as subtle as an elephant playing hide-and-seek. (Yes, I am Regette, and I am typing in 3rd person on behalf of Summer and I).
So, here are the best of the questions. I would put the answers, but I was laughing too much at the absurdity of the questions to remember the answers. Perhaps when Sayuri reads this in the future she can edit the post to include answers.
Summer and Regette are about as subtle as an elephant playing hide-and-seek. (Yes, I am Regette, and I am typing in 3rd person on behalf of Summer and I).
So, here are the best of the questions. I would put the answers, but I was laughing too much at the absurdity of the questions to remember the answers. Perhaps when Sayuri reads this in the future she can edit the post to include answers.
Friday, May 20, 2011
Inlaws and Outlaws; which side will Reg choose?
It's not a secret that in my family, not a lot of people get along with each other very well (and the ones that do are merely very good at pretending.) This occurred perhaps as an inevitable side effect of the outbreak of divorces in my family--everyone that has been married, has been divorced at least once (Grandmother and Papa currently hold first and second place, with 7 and 5 respectively [but this isn't a competition])
Of course, we usually get along pretty well without seeing each other, or having any form of communication whatsoever. Yet there comes those events such as births, deaths, weddings--events which are obligatory for the entire family to attend.
Guess what?
I'm graduating.
What do I do?
There are Grandmother plus her 6 children and their families, and they dislike every other branch of my family because... they can?
There are Grandma and her husband, who dislike Grandmother and one of which will threaten to kill Grandpa. The first thing Grandma will say upon seeing my Grandpa? "Well, there's 'The A**hole.'"
There are Grandpa and his wife, who dislike Grandmother and are oblivious to the rest of the hate-in.
There are my step-brother and my ex-step-father, who do not really hate anyone but are shunned by everyone else because they aren't "blood". That and my ex-step father is Grandma's daughter's ex-husband.(making my step brother my cousin...I think this calls for a diagram because I can't even see you but I know you are making that "breaking social norm" face of disgust) There was also some bad life choices made in the 1980's around this time. Psychedelic life choices, if you catch my drift.
There is poor senile papa, who will think I am my mother. This will lead to some very sad conversations about the time in 1970 when I got lost in my Auntie's house in Boston but was found in the estate's kennels petting the purebred Irish Setters.
And then there is dad's girlfriend, whom I love dearly. But grandma thinks she's a whore (perhaps she is, but Dad is infinitely worse. And she's not 20 something and a stripper).
What do I do?
Well, I trick them into the same room with the promise of food, shut the door, and run.
I never stop running.
Your butterfly,
My family, in a perfect world.

My actual family. Notice that my mother divorced my dad and then married my dad's sister's 1st ex-husband. So, yes, weird. But not creepy weird.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Hello Sweetie, love Reg
Summer made me can not be better. :D
Well, there could be a reasonably attractive man at my door, saying "Hello there," intriguingly.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Summer's Weather
It is raining.
Most people, Honey included, LOOOOOVE the sun and think the rain is miserable. While I can agree that rain does ruin your hair and often results in sopping socks, I feel that rain deserves some love. Therefore, I've dedicated this post to the top reasons why my favorite weather shouldn't be everyone's least favorite weather.
1. It's beautiful.
I don't think there's anything more lovely than fresh rain falling outside my window. It gives the world a sense of relief, like when you focus all your emotions into one good cry. Plus, it's the closest thing to snow where I live.
2. It sounds beautiful.
Who doesn't love the gentle sound of rain pattering on their roof, or splashing pleasantly to the ground?
3. It smells beautiful.
That new rain smell... Nothing can compare! It's like new car smell for nature. Everything gets scrubbed and rinsed, leaving nature in it's purest, most delicious-smelling form.
4. It makes everything look beautiful.
Looking outside after a long rain is like getting glasses after... needing glasses. Seriously! Everything looks so much sharper and the colors are much more vibrant. It's nature's editing program! Plus, men always look hotter in the rain... I can't say why, though.
5. It saves you the trouble of trying to make your hair look beautiful.
It's like a get out of jail free card! If it's raining outside, then there's no point to fixing your hair because the rain is just gonna ruin it anyways. Plus, everyone around you will have rain hair so you won't have to feel inferior!
6. It gives beautiful people the opportunity to lend you their coat.
Nuff said.
So that's my oh-so-logical justification of my favorite weather... Describe your favorite weather and why in the comments below!
Less than three,
~ Summer
p.s. The Daily Dust is on facebook! Check it out and give us some love~!/pages/The-Daily-Dust/124185710995272
Most people, Honey included, LOOOOOVE the sun and think the rain is miserable. While I can agree that rain does ruin your hair and often results in sopping socks, I feel that rain deserves some love. Therefore, I've dedicated this post to the top reasons why my favorite weather shouldn't be everyone's least favorite weather.
1. It's beautiful.
I don't think there's anything more lovely than fresh rain falling outside my window. It gives the world a sense of relief, like when you focus all your emotions into one good cry. Plus, it's the closest thing to snow where I live.
2. It sounds beautiful.
Who doesn't love the gentle sound of rain pattering on their roof, or splashing pleasantly to the ground?
3. It smells beautiful.
That new rain smell... Nothing can compare! It's like new car smell for nature. Everything gets scrubbed and rinsed, leaving nature in it's purest, most delicious-smelling form.
4. It makes everything look beautiful.
Looking outside after a long rain is like getting glasses after... needing glasses. Seriously! Everything looks so much sharper and the colors are much more vibrant. It's nature's editing program! Plus, men always look hotter in the rain... I can't say why, though.
5. It saves you the trouble of trying to make your hair look beautiful.
It's like a get out of jail free card! If it's raining outside, then there's no point to fixing your hair because the rain is just gonna ruin it anyways. Plus, everyone around you will have rain hair so you won't have to feel inferior!
6. It gives beautiful people the opportunity to lend you their coat.
Nuff said.
So that's my oh-so-logical justification of my favorite weather... Describe your favorite weather and why in the comments below!
Less than three,
~ Summer
p.s. The Daily Dust is on facebook! Check it out and give us some love~!/pages/The-Daily-Dust/124185710995272
Regette's always got a game plan...
I happen to be an extraordinarily goal-oriented person. Plans make me feel like things are happening--if I look at a list that says my plan for the day includes sitting on the couch for at least 2 hours watching Dr. Who and eating a menagerie of exotic cheeses, well then, I must do it. If I do not schedule my time as such, I feel guilty.
I have this "life for dummies" flow chart posted on the fridge to tell me how I am going to get through college and embark upon a career:
(see. I told you.)
My pride and joy of all such lists and schedules happens to be my "Bucket list." This is not a tentative list; things on the bucket list will happen. They have to.
With no further ado, I give you Regette's bucket list. Enjoy.
Drag race
Run away from a major commitment (literally would be more fun...)
Go to a rave
Live in another country
Have a song written about me (The song the boys in science class made of my last name doesn't count)
Get an intriguing accent
Be baptized any religion
Elope somewhere exotic
Go sailing in the Maldives
Join the mile high club
Carry a dog in a purse
Attempt to become a nun (The attempt is what counts, not the follow through)
Write a novel (I didn't specify it had to be good)
Drink whiskey in my coffee
Go to a confession (whatever I did better be worth it)
Pierce own ear
Sing "California Dreamin'" in a coffee place...not in California
Never live in any place more than 5 years (stagnancy is the enemy)
Marry a man that is wearing a tailcoat (just when we are getting married...not all the time....that would be weird)
Most importantly-
On every single May 21, at approximately 4:00, be in Sayuri's and my starbucks, drinking an unsweetened iced green tea.
Your butterfly,
p.s. tell me about your own completed bucket list items in the comments
p.p.s. If you ask very very nicely, someday I will post about the three completed items on my bucket list...I love a good story.
I have this "life for dummies" flow chart posted on the fridge to tell me how I am going to get through college and embark upon a career:
(see. I told you.)
My pride and joy of all such lists and schedules happens to be my "Bucket list." This is not a tentative list; things on the bucket list will happen. They have to.
With no further ado, I give you Regette's bucket list. Enjoy.
Drag race
Run away from a major commitment (literally would be more fun...)
Go to a rave
Live in another country
Have a song written about me (The song the boys in science class made of my last name doesn't count)
Get an intriguing accent
Be baptized any religion
Elope somewhere exotic
Go sailing in the Maldives
Join the mile high club
Carry a dog in a purse
Attempt to become a nun (The attempt is what counts, not the follow through)
Write a novel (I didn't specify it had to be good)
Drink whiskey in my coffee
Go to a confession (whatever I did better be worth it)
Pierce own ear
Sing "California Dreamin'" in a coffee place...not in California
Never live in any place more than 5 years (stagnancy is the enemy)
Marry a man that is wearing a tailcoat (just when we are getting married...not all the time....that would be weird)
Most importantly-
On every single May 21, at approximately 4:00, be in Sayuri's and my starbucks, drinking an unsweetened iced green tea.
Your butterfly,
p.s. tell me about your own completed bucket list items in the comments
p.p.s. If you ask very very nicely, someday I will post about the three completed items on my bucket list...I love a good story.
Sunday, May 15, 2011
A verbal slip up of Sayuri's: A guest entry by Tom
*Nicole [Sayuri's roommate] sitting on plastic tub to try and close the lid after over-packing it*
"You know those things are cheap right?" ~Sayuri
*no response*
"You get what you paid a whore." ~Sayuri
*pause*...."Did you say whore?" ~Nicole
"That's what I heard!" ~Me
"That's what I said." ~Sayuri
*Nicole & I roll on floor laughing [not literally]*
"You know those things are cheap right?" ~Sayuri
*no response*
"You get what you paid a whore." ~Sayuri
*pause*...."Did you say whore?" ~Nicole
"That's what I heard!" ~Me
"That's what I said." ~Sayuri
*Nicole & I roll on floor laughing [not literally]*
Prom-- a last note from Regette, whose date did not wear a fedora, was taller,and remarkably intelligent.
Prom...Should I really post about it again? For the fourth-ish time?
Eh, I suppose I must, considering.
Let me first pose a question: How do you know if a date is good?
Is it when I can name the band that plays every song playing on his car radio?When he says that he likes Chopin almost as much as he likes rock?
Is it when he pays for everything--corsage, dinner, ticket, pictures? When he lends me his coat because it's cold, and pulls the chair out for me when I sit?
Is it that he's smart enough to find my house on google maps when my street doesn't even have a street sign? The fact that he doesn't flinch from saying, "Hello, sir" even though my dad clearly has a revolver in his belt as he stands on the porch?
What do I do with this "good" date? Do I reward him with a hug, a peck on the cheek (surely no mac-out-age, because I'm still recovering from being sick and that's really gross)?
Or do I do what I actually did? (in magical hypothetical world. I mean, it has already been done, I can't change it)
Which is--after he walks me to the front door and waits expectantly, I unlock the door as quickly as possible and unleash my crazy, barking-mad dog and feign dismay as I try to prevent her from jumping on him.
I think I should have a close friend give him the "It's not you, Regette just has problems with displays of emotion/personal space issues" talk, so he doesn't feel as if he has woefully struck out.
Your butterfly,
P.S. I have made a slightly lowered standard list for men based on speaking with my Honey-poo that I will include. Enjoy.
Men must be:
1)Well dressed
2)Taller than me
3)Not wearing a fedora (I saw a fedora at prom! The rat bastard himself! [My date was taller/not in a fedora= I win])
4) Intelligent/ has a life goal (physics, biochemistry, computer stuff I don't understand)
5) Active (as in not sedentary couch potato)
6)Older than me (by 6 mo-8 years)
If the top 6 is fulfilled, looks are...meh. Oh well.
Eh, I suppose I must, considering.
Let me first pose a question: How do you know if a date is good?
Is it when I can name the band that plays every song playing on his car radio?When he says that he likes Chopin almost as much as he likes rock?
Is it when he pays for everything--corsage, dinner, ticket, pictures? When he lends me his coat because it's cold, and pulls the chair out for me when I sit?
Is it that he's smart enough to find my house on google maps when my street doesn't even have a street sign? The fact that he doesn't flinch from saying, "Hello, sir" even though my dad clearly has a revolver in his belt as he stands on the porch?
What do I do with this "good" date? Do I reward him with a hug, a peck on the cheek (surely no mac-out-age, because I'm still recovering from being sick and that's really gross)?
Or do I do what I actually did? (in magical hypothetical world. I mean, it has already been done, I can't change it)
Which is--after he walks me to the front door and waits expectantly, I unlock the door as quickly as possible and unleash my crazy, barking-mad dog and feign dismay as I try to prevent her from jumping on him.
I think I should have a close friend give him the "It's not you, Regette just has problems with displays of emotion/personal space issues" talk, so he doesn't feel as if he has woefully struck out.
Your butterfly,
P.S. I have made a slightly lowered standard list for men based on speaking with my Honey-poo that I will include. Enjoy.
Men must be:
1)Well dressed
2)Taller than me
3)Not wearing a fedora (I saw a fedora at prom! The rat bastard himself! [My date was taller/not in a fedora= I win])
4) Intelligent/ has a life goal (physics, biochemistry, computer stuff I don't understand)
5) Active (as in not sedentary couch potato)
6)Older than me (by 6 mo-8 years)
If the top 6 is fulfilled, looks are...meh. Oh well.
Saturday, May 14, 2011
A post dedicated to Summer from Sayuri
Summer! I took it upon myself during the thunder storm yesterday to watch "The Swan Princess" and immediately decided to dedicate a post to you with some of the best lines from the movie =) Enjoy.
"Oh! A nest!"
"I am a musician, not a bore!" ..."Could've fooled me."
"Duck!" ... "What?"
"You lost your queen Derek." ... "That's twice in one day!"
"I do not take advice from peasants." ..."Just curious, how are you gonna get back?"
"Small, green, good swimmer...Good grief! You're talking about me!"
"Whenever I need to do something quick, I always bring a turtle."
There are SOOOO many your favorite.
Love from,
Sayuri <3
"Oh! A nest!"
"I am a musician, not a bore!" ..."Could've fooled me."
"Duck!" ... "What?"
"You lost your queen Derek." ... "That's twice in one day!"
"I do not take advice from peasants." ..."Just curious, how are you gonna get back?"
"Small, green, good swimmer...Good grief! You're talking about me!"
"Whenever I need to do something quick, I always bring a turtle."
There are SOOOO many your favorite.
Love from,
Sayuri <3
Friday, May 13, 2011
Summer's WTF Day
So today was fun. Fun fun fun fun... Looking forward to the weekend... Ahem. Anyways...
Today was quite the WTF day... It was one of those tragic days where I had choir AND symphony. In the same day. In case that wasn't already implied...
So today I'm in choir singing... Singing... and... Okay let's be honest I just talked to Regette the whole time.
But anyways.
We're singing this song that's in a minor key and was used as a soundtrack for a movie about witch hunts and our teacher says "look happy when you sing this! Pretend it's a wedding!" to which I say "WTF, what's happy about a wedding?"
I even wrote a song about it. It goes like this.
That wasp's dressed like a ref.
Weddings suck
More than getting attacked by a duck.
It's gonna top the charts any day now...
But anyways, I found her suggestion amusing. So then we move onto this other song that actually sounds happy and she's like "look happy when you sing this! Pretend it's a wedding!" and I was like "WTF, weddings suck more than getting attacked by a duck."
Then I go to symphony rehearsal and we're playing this song called "Country Wedding Dance" and our conductor's like "Look happy when you play this! It's a wedding!" and I'm like "WTF, weddings suck!"
Then at break I'm talking to one of my friends and she says that her cousin is getting married this weekend and I'm like "WTF?!"
Then I go to work and my sister's like "we have to RSVP to our cousin's wedding" and I'm like "W?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?"
Yeah... I'm not even exaggerating.
It's not so much that I hate weddings... I love weddings! Drinks all around! It's just that I don't have much faith in what comes afterwards...
However, if I were to marry someone it would be this guy. I mean, he's cute smart & funny, he cooks, he has a super smexy accent, and he has an equally cute and funny friend. Plus he watches Dr. Who... Who WOULDN'T marry him?
Leave me a comment telling me about your worst WTF day!
Less than three,
~ Summer
So today was fun. Fun fun fun fun... Looking forward to the weekend... Ahem. Anyways...
Today was quite the WTF day... It was one of those tragic days where I had choir AND symphony. In the same day. In case that wasn't already implied...
So today I'm in choir singing... Singing... and... Okay let's be honest I just talked to Regette the whole time.
But anyways.
We're singing this song that's in a minor key and was used as a soundtrack for a movie about witch hunts and our teacher says "look happy when you sing this! Pretend it's a wedding!" to which I say "WTF, what's happy about a wedding?"
I even wrote a song about it. It goes like this.
That wasp's dressed like a ref.
Weddings suck
More than getting attacked by a duck.
It's gonna top the charts any day now...
But anyways, I found her suggestion amusing. So then we move onto this other song that actually sounds happy and she's like "look happy when you sing this! Pretend it's a wedding!" and I was like "WTF, weddings suck more than getting attacked by a duck."
Then I go to symphony rehearsal and we're playing this song called "Country Wedding Dance" and our conductor's like "Look happy when you play this! It's a wedding!" and I'm like "WTF, weddings suck!"
Then at break I'm talking to one of my friends and she says that her cousin is getting married this weekend and I'm like "WTF?!"
Then I go to work and my sister's like "we have to RSVP to our cousin's wedding" and I'm like "W?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?"
Yeah... I'm not even exaggerating.
It's not so much that I hate weddings... I love weddings! Drinks all around! It's just that I don't have much faith in what comes afterwards...
However, if I were to marry someone it would be this guy. I mean, he's cute smart & funny, he cooks, he has a super smexy accent, and he has an equally cute and funny friend. Plus he watches Dr. Who... Who WOULDN'T marry him?
Leave me a comment telling me about your worst WTF day!
Less than three,
~ Summer
The night before prom, and all through the house...Reg was running about like a headless chicken
Today, what is possibly the worst thing that could ever happen to a girl before her senior prom occurred.
I had a wardrobe malfunction.
I tried on my dress, and to my utter dismay, it was at least two sizes too big!
Immediately I called my dad's girlfriend and relayed this tragedy. What to do? After an hour bra shopping and painstakingly taking my dress in with a tomato of pins and careful sewing (plus some language that could get a film moved from a pg-13 to an r rating), I could finally breath with out a near panic-attack. I had conquered my dress mishap with pure feminine ingenuity.
Then, I looked down at my yet-to-be-polished nails.
I had forgotten to buy matching polish!
What am I going to do!
A butterfly in distress,
I had a wardrobe malfunction.
I tried on my dress, and to my utter dismay, it was at least two sizes too big!
Immediately I called my dad's girlfriend and relayed this tragedy. What to do? After an hour bra shopping and painstakingly taking my dress in with a tomato of pins and careful sewing (plus some language that could get a film moved from a pg-13 to an r rating), I could finally breath with out a near panic-attack. I had conquered my dress mishap with pure feminine ingenuity.
Then, I looked down at my yet-to-be-polished nails.
I had forgotten to buy matching polish!
What am I going to do!
A butterfly in distress,
Thursday, May 12, 2011
"Oh Ramier, Ramier"--Regette feels like a pigeon even though she is a butterfly
After Summer's seriousness, I too experienced some thoughts that weren't hilarious. Which is unusual, because what bounces around in my head is usually highly amusing (basically, I crack myself up like a crazy person), but this one particular thought wasn't. It was, however, a good pondering thought, for sick days and couch-bound musing.
I considered where I am in life, and felt a bit like a pigeon, trapped inside a box.
I considered where I am in life, and felt a bit like a pigeon, trapped inside a box.
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Summer's Lesson
This ended up being longer than I expected, so I'm gonna try to add a fancy break or whatever... Leave a comment telling me about your day or something!
What's in a name?--Regette smells like vanilla (she hopes) and will continue to smell so whatever name she's called
"What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet."-Romeo and Juliet
I am not ashamed to admit that I frequent the local Starbucks (but have recently found a better and cheaper local joint that Summer works at). Anyway, on busy days, the barista always asks for names.
So, in telling the barista a name, sometimes he spells it wrong. Sometimes, he mishears a name and gives you a new, hilarious-but-similar-sounding one.
And sometimes Summer, Sayuri and I just make names up.
Which leads me to a hypothetical situation that has been pressing on my mind--What if the barista is hot? What if the barista is hot and I return to that Starbucks again? What do I say my name is?
I see only three options to this scenario:
1) I tell him my real name and hope he has forgotten my fake name.
The problem with this is: what if he remembers? Then I am just the crazy chick that thinks her name is Aurora some days and Regette other days.
2) I give him the fake name again. and again. and again.
How long do I continue to give him the fake name? What if I miraculously are asked for my phone number? Am I doomed to be known as Odette our entire (imaginary) relationship? It would be considerably awkward to introduce him to the parent and have him call me the name of a Disney Princess.
However, the hilarity might distract my dad enough to give the barista a moment to run before Dad can finish loading his gun.
3) I give him a different fake name.
This is reminiscent of the first option, but I'd try to make fake names a running joke. My strategy for barista-wooing would have to be considerably longer though, because for a joke to run I'd have to tell him different Disney Princess names at least 4 or 5 times.
Then, of course, he might think I'm the bizarre girl who knows way too much about Disney Princess...
Oh well. At least it is only hypothetical....
For now....
Your butterfly,
P.S. Any advice on the hypothetical scenario would be greatly appreciated. Please leave a comment.
I am not ashamed to admit that I frequent the local Starbucks (but have recently found a better and cheaper local joint that Summer works at). Anyway, on busy days, the barista always asks for names.
So, in telling the barista a name, sometimes he spells it wrong. Sometimes, he mishears a name and gives you a new, hilarious-but-similar-sounding one.
And sometimes Summer, Sayuri and I just make names up.
Which leads me to a hypothetical situation that has been pressing on my mind--What if the barista is hot? What if the barista is hot and I return to that Starbucks again? What do I say my name is?
I see only three options to this scenario:
1) I tell him my real name and hope he has forgotten my fake name.
The problem with this is: what if he remembers? Then I am just the crazy chick that thinks her name is Aurora some days and Regette other days.
2) I give him the fake name again. and again. and again.
How long do I continue to give him the fake name? What if I miraculously are asked for my phone number? Am I doomed to be known as Odette our entire (imaginary) relationship? It would be considerably awkward to introduce him to the parent and have him call me the name of a Disney Princess.
However, the hilarity might distract my dad enough to give the barista a moment to run before Dad can finish loading his gun.
3) I give him a different fake name.
This is reminiscent of the first option, but I'd try to make fake names a running joke. My strategy for barista-wooing would have to be considerably longer though, because for a joke to run I'd have to tell him different Disney Princess names at least 4 or 5 times.
Then, of course, he might think I'm the bizarre girl who knows way too much about Disney Princess...
Oh well. At least it is only hypothetical....
For now....
Your butterfly,
P.S. Any advice on the hypothetical scenario would be greatly appreciated. Please leave a comment.
Thunder, Lightening, and rain: a post by Sayuri
Today, is a beautiful day. Click me! This (the link) is what was going on outside my room (more or less) at three o'clock this morning. While I do love the good storm, this one caught me off guard as it had been 90 and sunny all day here & it was exceptionally even woke up my deep-sleeping roommate! Just a small plug for random Midwest weather patterns.
In other news, finals week is quickly approaching and in approximately a week's time I will be heading back to the non-humid heat and my girls Reg & Summer. While I'll be terribly sad to leave behind the family & friends I've got here, the idea of spending time with Summer & Reg puts life into perspective. We'll go to our favorite haunt, make random runs across town ("All the way to the other side of town?" -Reg "It's only like ten minutes." -me) at eleven o'clock at night, kidnap Summer from her home and watch classic & modern movies because we can. Take political quizzes and use zucchini to explain free market economy, pretend to be senators having a debate or other such fun things. It will be an amazing summer and it's all because I'll be returning home to my family & my girls Reg & Summer.
In case y'all haven't figured it out, Reg & Summer are epically cool on a whole different level. They are smart, witty, beautiful, and slightly sarcastic =) They are the only people I know who would appreciate that for my creative project in Lit I put my two characters (Giorgiana from Hawthorne's The Birthmark and Zora Neale Hurston author of poem "How it Feels to be Colored Me") and set them up discussing the concept of individualism in the cafe from Orwell's 1984. Yep, they're just that groovy.
With love for my girls,
In other news, finals week is quickly approaching and in approximately a week's time I will be heading back to the non-humid heat and my girls Reg & Summer. While I'll be terribly sad to leave behind the family & friends I've got here, the idea of spending time with Summer & Reg puts life into perspective. We'll go to our favorite haunt, make random runs across town ("All the way to the other side of town?" -Reg "It's only like ten minutes." -me) at eleven o'clock at night, kidnap Summer from her home and watch classic & modern movies because we can. Take political quizzes and use zucchini to explain free market economy, pretend to be senators having a debate or other such fun things. It will be an amazing summer and it's all because I'll be returning home to my family & my girls Reg & Summer.
In case y'all haven't figured it out, Reg & Summer are epically cool on a whole different level. They are smart, witty, beautiful, and slightly sarcastic =) They are the only people I know who would appreciate that for my creative project in Lit I put my two characters (Giorgiana from Hawthorne's The Birthmark and Zora Neale Hurston author of poem "How it Feels to be Colored Me") and set them up discussing the concept of individualism in the cafe from Orwell's 1984. Yep, they're just that groovy.
With love for my girls,
Monday, May 09, 2011
Tall, considerably older, well-dressed men--Regette's "true love," besides money
I devoted a post to short boys in fedoras, so I figured I might dedicate a post to the converse; tall, considerably older, well-dressed men . (Which in case you haven't read my previous post, Short men in fedoras:Reg::Reg:tall, considerably older, well-dressed men[If you don't understand what that means, you should google analogies])
I think everybody has a "type." For instance, Summer likes b.a.m.f. musician rebel boys. Honey prefers blond, all-American football players that drive trucks. Cinnamon loves her surfer/indie boys. And poor Sayuri likes Carmers (cowboys/farmers).
How often do we ensnare one of these ideals? Apparently, one out of every five girls...(there are five of us listed in this post, if you catch what I'm throwin' down) (cough*Sayuri*cough)
So what are we left with? 4/5 girls that reject slightly imperfect specimens until they must settle inevitably for either a creepy boy in a fedora or a household of cats?
Of course I'm hoping not, but like Honey, I've often wondered "Why is she with him?" and I think this may be a plausible explanation.
All I'm certain of is that every time we settle into the party booth at our favorite restaurant, Jacob Henesey, Donovan Young, Corey True and a nameless surfer do not magically appear when we chant, "like a good neighbor, state farm is there, with men!"
However, that does not mean we won't stop trying, because there still is that 1/5 (even if she's an exception and not the rule) that magically finds what she wants.
Or maybe, somewhere along the way, someone finds us and we figure out that that is what we want.
Thanks a lot for the stupid hope, Sayuri.
Your ungracious butterfly,
Regette H.
I think everybody has a "type." For instance, Summer likes b.a.m.f. musician rebel boys. Honey prefers blond, all-American football players that drive trucks. Cinnamon loves her surfer/indie boys. And poor Sayuri likes Carmers (cowboys/farmers).
How often do we ensnare one of these ideals? Apparently, one out of every five girls...(there are five of us listed in this post, if you catch what I'm throwin' down) (cough*Sayuri*cough)
So what are we left with? 4/5 girls that reject slightly imperfect specimens until they must settle inevitably for either a creepy boy in a fedora or a household of cats?
Of course I'm hoping not, but like Honey, I've often wondered "Why is she with him?" and I think this may be a plausible explanation.
All I'm certain of is that every time we settle into the party booth at our favorite restaurant, Jacob Henesey, Donovan Young, Corey True and a nameless surfer do not magically appear when we chant, "like a good neighbor, state farm is there, with men!"
However, that does not mean we won't stop trying, because there still is that 1/5 (even if she's an exception and not the rule) that magically finds what she wants.
Or maybe, somewhere along the way, someone finds us and we figure out that that is what we want.
Thanks a lot for the stupid hope, Sayuri.
Your ungracious butterfly,
Regette H.
Sunday, May 08, 2011
Weekend at the farm...yes, the entry by Sayuri
Hi y'all. So, I spent this weekend away from my technology (by choice, not because I was in a location without these technological capabilities) with my boyfriend Tom at his family's farm. There were kittens (I'm trying to talk Mama into letting me take one home, help me out blog readers, it's not going so well =D ), chores to help with (mostly he did them while I tried to not be in the way...I got to use the knife to cut the twine that kept the hay in nice bails), and other fun stuff. I learned to shoot a .22 and I watched a comedic a good weekend that I just crappily summarized because it was epically more wonderful than the above gives justice. I will attach a couple photos...and leave your imagination to it.
Behind the times,
Behind the times,
Who cares about May?
I've wrote a post on why April is better than March, and Summer has retaliated with a post of her own on April's faults, but as long as we are debating spring months, the question still begs to be asked; "What about May."
That's just it. What about the month of May?
May is the final month of school that races by inexplicably, leaving me dumped into the heat of June with only my hazy memories of sunny afternoons and the nostalgic smell of a world in bloom.
I would argue that out of all of the months, May is the one I remember least.
Here is a short list of all I remember of a lifetime of Mays:
AP Tests
A mediocre prom (which is better than most dances, actually, because dances in general suck)
I think I went to a wedding once
Choir stuff
A coffee date with Sayuri
Branding cattle
Making mom chili peppers and cereal for Mother's day brunch
That's it. All of May. Whoop-de-friggen-do. I can only pray the 100 degree days of a summer will be here soon.
Anyone want to argue me on that one? I'll come at you like a spider monkey cause I'm all hyped up on mountain dew.
Well, coffee actually. Still it's caffeine.
Your butterfly,
That's just it. What about the month of May?
May is the final month of school that races by inexplicably, leaving me dumped into the heat of June with only my hazy memories of sunny afternoons and the nostalgic smell of a world in bloom.
I would argue that out of all of the months, May is the one I remember least.
Here is a short list of all I remember of a lifetime of Mays:
AP Tests
A mediocre prom (which is better than most dances, actually, because dances in general suck)
I think I went to a wedding once
Choir stuff
A coffee date with Sayuri
Branding cattle
Making mom chili peppers and cereal for Mother's day brunch
That's it. All of May. Whoop-de-friggen-do. I can only pray the 100 degree days of a summer will be here soon.
Anyone want to argue me on that one? I'll come at you like a spider monkey cause I'm all hyped up on mountain dew.
Well, coffee actually. Still it's caffeine.
Your butterfly,
Summer's Night
Tonight, the Youth Symphony that I am shamefully a part of had to play a piece with the adult symphony. That's all fine and dandy, I suppose, but after we played our piece there was an intermission followed by the adult symphony's performance of Beethoven's 9th. Have you ever heard Beethoven's 9th? It's hours long! Most Youth Symphony kids left after intermission, but not all of us were that lucky. My ride home was sitting in the audience, meaning I had to wait until the end of the entire concert to leave. Luckily, I wasn't the only one... Backstage I formally met two girls who I'd never spoken to before who were similarly stranded. Together, we set out to entertain ourselves for the remainder of the concert. Wanna know how? I've listed below! Normally I would compile into a paragraph, but I am too damn tired.
We drank the crappy half-caf coffee set out for the symphony, but then the stage crew took it away.
We tried to go onto the roof, but the door was locked.
We waited outside the room where the choir was practicing, hoping one of the cute choir boys would walk out. Sadly, the only people who came out were old people or girls.
We ate someone's chocolate kisses that they were foolish enough to leave out in the open... Fools.
We tried to hit on two random guys who legitimately had no business being there, but they were boring and awkward.
We went outside and prank called random people, but that got old after a while.
We tried to crash a college party, but they literally shut the door in our faces. Literally!
We tried to just chill backstage but a crabby old choir lady told us to be quiet... Rudely, I might add. Crab-faced old crone...
We tried to chill outside again, but that got boring really fast. Plus, some creepy man wearing an amount of leather envied by Adam Lambert appeared out of nowhere and started smoking.
We went back inside (the choir, old ladies and all, was thankfully onstage) and played ultimate frisbie in the hall with some kids hat.
And that's... Just about it.
Jealous? I didn't think so.
Less than three,
~ Summer
We drank the crappy half-caf coffee set out for the symphony, but then the stage crew took it away.
We tried to go onto the roof, but the door was locked.
We waited outside the room where the choir was practicing, hoping one of the cute choir boys would walk out. Sadly, the only people who came out were old people or girls.
We ate someone's chocolate kisses that they were foolish enough to leave out in the open... Fools.
We tried to hit on two random guys who legitimately had no business being there, but they were boring and awkward.
We went outside and prank called random people, but that got old after a while.
We tried to crash a college party, but they literally shut the door in our faces. Literally!
We tried to just chill backstage but a crabby old choir lady told us to be quiet... Rudely, I might add. Crab-faced old crone...
We tried to chill outside again, but that got boring really fast. Plus, some creepy man wearing an amount of leather envied by Adam Lambert appeared out of nowhere and started smoking.
We went back inside (the choir, old ladies and all, was thankfully onstage) and played ultimate frisbie in the hall with some kids hat.
And that's... Just about it.
Jealous? I didn't think so.
Less than three,
~ Summer
Thursday, May 05, 2011
Reg's "In defense of the Man Ho"
Today, Summer opened my eyes to a revelation:
Man Hos need love too.
Sure they may be trying to sleep with every girl you know, but if you are already safely friend-zoned by them, where's the harm? Maybe the Man Ho's whoring ways are just a cry for some attention. Perhaps no one held the Man Ho as a child and he is now suffering from the consequences of his childhood neglect.
Man Ho's are needy, cute, and do charming little tricks like never one word texting you and pretending to be interested in intricate details of your life. Kinda like a puppy with opposable thumbs. If he's good looking he can be taken to parties and shown off like a new Gucci bag. If he's sweet he can be used in fostering the jealousy of enemies (aww, look, my Man Ho just told me to have a spectacular day!)
The only rule is not to date a Man Ho. So why not? If he gets too schmarmy you can always just stop responding to his texts, if he can take a hint.
Or maybe he can be cured. Sometimes, Man Hoing is just a phase that boys go through before they realize that anonymous sex is not the purpose of life.
At least I sure do hope it is a phase.
Your butterfly,
Man Hos need love too.
Sure they may be trying to sleep with every girl you know, but if you are already safely friend-zoned by them, where's the harm? Maybe the Man Ho's whoring ways are just a cry for some attention. Perhaps no one held the Man Ho as a child and he is now suffering from the consequences of his childhood neglect.
Man Ho's are needy, cute, and do charming little tricks like never one word texting you and pretending to be interested in intricate details of your life. Kinda like a puppy with opposable thumbs. If he's good looking he can be taken to parties and shown off like a new Gucci bag. If he's sweet he can be used in fostering the jealousy of enemies (aww, look, my Man Ho just told me to have a spectacular day!)
The only rule is not to date a Man Ho. So why not? If he gets too schmarmy you can always just stop responding to his texts, if he can take a hint.
Or maybe he can be cured. Sometimes, Man Hoing is just a phase that boys go through before they realize that anonymous sex is not the purpose of life.
At least I sure do hope it is a phase.
Your butterfly,
Regette in Statistics part 1
Today, I began an exam with unusual gusto. I was the exam. The questions were easy, and I understood everything.
Then, I got to the second question.
Suddenly, the freckles on my arm became intriguing. Why does the skin around them burn, but they don't get any darker? Are there ever more of them? How tan does the surrounding skin have to be before they disappear completely?
I started jammin' to Aerosmith's The Other Side in my head.
To be continued...
Then, I got to the second question.
Suddenly, the freckles on my arm became intriguing. Why does the skin around them burn, but they don't get any darker? Are there ever more of them? How tan does the surrounding skin have to be before they disappear completely?
I started jammin' to Aerosmith's The Other Side in my head.
To be continued...
Wednesday, May 04, 2011
Guest Post by Cinnamon Rolls!
Hello world! My hame is Cinnamon Rolls, new guest writer for Daily Dust News.
6:30 AM: I wake up startled, I drempt of a man w/ Jesus worthy hair & this guy from a show I'm watching missing their fathers. Me and Honey were traveling around the county, when we spot the first man sad. I then say to Honey "he just needs a fatherly figure". Then this girl who's actually extremely nice in reality gave ME sass, saying "gurl, he needs a father figure but stay out of it." I was so surprised/outraged I woke up. Geez, I dream of weird things, including sassssss.
7:22: I depart for school. My Jesus keychain & his new friend, a Harry Potter owl post keychain, dangle from my keychain. I almost make a green light while singing "Shake your bootay" by that one group, and it turns yellow, then red, before I make it. Tea could've spilled. But thank goodness the seal was closed. Toast safe, I'm good.
7:30: Arrive at parking spot. I feel great. Listen to top 40 all-time classic songs and sing along to Michael Jacksons "Rock w/ you". Don't judge, I sang along w/ it on my way home, ppl stared, they're obviously jealous. Eat toast. It was delicious. Drink tea; equally delicious.
7:35: Silly gurl in senior class park behind me w/ boy in car. Sketchy? Yeah. They better not give me sass.
7:48: Time now, writing blog. Ppl lock cars to leave for class, or they don't lock cars, b/c hey, iPods come from trees for half of the people here. Quotes they go by: "Screw the rules, I have money!" Literally.
I should probably leave now, ughhh
Kbye :3
6:30 AM: I wake up startled, I drempt of a man w/ Jesus worthy hair & this guy from a show I'm watching missing their fathers. Me and Honey were traveling around the county, when we spot the first man sad. I then say to Honey "he just needs a fatherly figure". Then this girl who's actually extremely nice in reality gave ME sass, saying "gurl, he needs a father figure but stay out of it." I was so surprised/outraged I woke up. Geez, I dream of weird things, including sassssss.
7:22: I depart for school. My Jesus keychain & his new friend, a Harry Potter owl post keychain, dangle from my keychain. I almost make a green light while singing "Shake your bootay" by that one group, and it turns yellow, then red, before I make it. Tea could've spilled. But thank goodness the seal was closed. Toast safe, I'm good.
7:30: Arrive at parking spot. I feel great. Listen to top 40 all-time classic songs and sing along to Michael Jacksons "Rock w/ you". Don't judge, I sang along w/ it on my way home, ppl stared, they're obviously jealous. Eat toast. It was delicious. Drink tea; equally delicious.
7:35: Silly gurl in senior class park behind me w/ boy in car. Sketchy? Yeah. They better not give me sass.
7:48: Time now, writing blog. Ppl lock cars to leave for class, or they don't lock cars, b/c hey, iPods come from trees for half of the people here. Quotes they go by: "Screw the rules, I have money!" Literally.
I should probably leave now, ughhh
Kbye :3
Summer's Pet Peeve
You know what I hate?
When I bump the table and my coffee spills everywhere.
You know what I also hate?
Public restrooms.
I mean, they're a good idea in theory, but in reality they're just one of life's cruel, cruel jokes. Not only are they usually gross and lacking appropriate ventilation, but they also must be shared with a myriad of people who don't understand the concept of bathroom etiquette. For example...
People who totally trash the place.
Story time. You're sitting in class and that 20oz soda is really starting to live up to its name, so you decide to go to the restroom. You go to the first stall only to find toilet paper covering the floor. Unshaken, you move on to the next stall. This one's clogged. The next stall... Well, you get the picture. My point is, is it really that hard to just use a restroom without raking havoc on the place?! It almost seems like it would take more effort to trash the place than to just leave it alone.
People who stand for HOURS fixing their makeup.
This is one of my hugest pet peeves of all time. Seriously. All you want to do is wash your hands and vamoose, but here's some Marylin reapplying her mascara and totally blocking the sink. Is it really that difficult to bring a mirror to school?
People who talk to you while you're going to the bathroom.
Seriously, that's just awkward.
All in all, I suppose public restrooms are a good thing... I just wish people didn't treat them like the beach on the fourth of July.
Less than three,
~ Summer
When I bump the table and my coffee spills everywhere.
You know what I also hate?
Public restrooms.
I mean, they're a good idea in theory, but in reality they're just one of life's cruel, cruel jokes. Not only are they usually gross and lacking appropriate ventilation, but they also must be shared with a myriad of people who don't understand the concept of bathroom etiquette. For example...
People who totally trash the place.
Story time. You're sitting in class and that 20oz soda is really starting to live up to its name, so you decide to go to the restroom. You go to the first stall only to find toilet paper covering the floor. Unshaken, you move on to the next stall. This one's clogged. The next stall... Well, you get the picture. My point is, is it really that hard to just use a restroom without raking havoc on the place?! It almost seems like it would take more effort to trash the place than to just leave it alone.
People who stand for HOURS fixing their makeup.
This is one of my hugest pet peeves of all time. Seriously. All you want to do is wash your hands and vamoose, but here's some Marylin reapplying her mascara and totally blocking the sink. Is it really that difficult to bring a mirror to school?
People who talk to you while you're going to the bathroom.
Seriously, that's just awkward.
All in all, I suppose public restrooms are a good thing... I just wish people didn't treat them like the beach on the fourth of July.
Less than three,
~ Summer
Breathing is VASTLY overrated: An entreaty from Sayuri
I can't breathe. No breathing, no thinking. No thinking, no geography homework. No geography homework....FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF. I am supposed to focus on wind patterns when I am winded myself? Rawr. I don't like being sick.
On the bright side, it could always be worse! ^.^
On the bright side, it could always be worse! ^.^
Tuesday, May 03, 2011
Coffee, Friends, Coffee, and Friends who make coffee--Regette's priorities
I was going to draft this post during Statistics but I took a test and couldn't. Any normal day, I would have though. I never think about Statistics during Statistics. It is not that I don't try, it is that I find nearly every single thought in my head more interesting than Stats.
I have found lately that my priorities aren't quite in order. Maybe I have a touch o' the senioritis, or maybe I've always been this way. At least, even if my Stats grade suffers, my life is more interesting.
Priorities throughout the day, in order of importance:
Friends who also make me coffee
Plans to get coffee with friends at the workplace of other friends
Plans to plan to get coffee with friends more often
Brushing my teeth
Hot men
Planning ways to see/speak to hot men
How my hair looks
Thinking of ways to get out of practice
Thinking of ways to get out of school
Thinking of ways to work more (work = money)
Thinking of hot, considerably older, well-dressed men
Thinking of ways to attain the aforementioned
Making sure the dog hasn't eaten anything irreplaceable
Hiding the evidence of what my dog has eaten
Working out
Watching Dr. Who
Putting on lip gloss
Picking out clothes
Trying to speak to nice guys that I actually know
Reading The 39 Steps
Beating at least one other team in PE
Taking hamburger out of the freezer for dinner
Thinking of the future
Cleaning stuff
Classes I like (Psychology)
Classes I dislike
Overlooking the flaws of (perhaps) attainable, sweet guys whose only imperfections are that they are not hot, considerably older or well dressed
It's all in a day's work.
Always your butterfly,
I have found lately that my priorities aren't quite in order. Maybe I have a touch o' the senioritis, or maybe I've always been this way. At least, even if my Stats grade suffers, my life is more interesting.
Priorities throughout the day, in order of importance:
Friends who also make me coffee
Plans to get coffee with friends at the workplace of other friends
Plans to plan to get coffee with friends more often
Brushing my teeth
Hot men
Planning ways to see/speak to hot men
How my hair looks
Thinking of ways to get out of practice
Thinking of ways to get out of school
Thinking of ways to work more (work = money)
Thinking of hot, considerably older, well-dressed men
Thinking of ways to attain the aforementioned
Making sure the dog hasn't eaten anything irreplaceable
Hiding the evidence of what my dog has eaten
Working out
Watching Dr. Who
Putting on lip gloss
Picking out clothes
Trying to speak to nice guys that I actually know
Reading The 39 Steps
Beating at least one other team in PE
Taking hamburger out of the freezer for dinner
Thinking of the future
Cleaning stuff
Classes I like (Psychology)
Classes I dislike
Overlooking the flaws of (perhaps) attainable, sweet guys whose only imperfections are that they are not hot, considerably older or well dressed
It's all in a day's work.
Always your butterfly,
Monday, May 02, 2011
Summer's Equation
The other day while pretending to do my math classwork, a disturbingly math-related question popped into my head: if two negatives make a positive and you definitely have more than 1 square foot of negativity in your life, does this mean you need exactly 2 square feet of negativity in order to achieve positivity or merely an even number of negative ft^2? Once you have managed to obtain this elusive positivity, do you get showered by colorful diamonds or are you merely rewarded with the music that plays after you've caught a pokemon?
Clearly I have a problem.
So anyways, to avoid using a complicated math equation to find out exactly how much negativity I have, I decided to simplify things by merely reducing all the negativity in my life. By reducing I mean cutting out. And by cutting out I mean ripping to shreds. And by ripping to shreds I mean... Letting down easy. I mean come on, no one needs to get hurt...
Step 1: Change the name of my string trio.
As much as I love having the name of my string trio be a not-so-subtle swipe at my apparent lack of "passion", I think it's time for a change. Therefore, on the official facebook page I requested that the name be changed to "The Mildly Awesome Ninjas Who Like Sandwiches"... They have yet to get back to me.
Step 2: Get people to leave me alone in choir.
Now I know what you're all thinking, but let me assure you: I am well aware that murder is not only illegal but also very difficult to cover up. That's why I've decided to give them what they think they want: enthusiasm. Now, as much as I would love to exhibit enthusiasm by running into the room and yelling "I'M FRENCH, B*TCH! MAKE ME A SOUFFLE!" I don't think that that's the kind of enthusiasm they want... Nor would it influence anyone barring John Muir to leave me alone. Shame, really.
Step 3: Do a duet with Rick Astley.
Hey, I never said they were good ideas...
So there you have it... Just a few steps towards seeing why people are so obsessed with positive thinking.
Now I invite you to do the same!
And by all means, feel privelidged... I don't invite just anyone, you know.
Less than three,
~ Summer
Clearly I have a problem.
So anyways, to avoid using a complicated math equation to find out exactly how much negativity I have, I decided to simplify things by merely reducing all the negativity in my life. By reducing I mean cutting out. And by cutting out I mean ripping to shreds. And by ripping to shreds I mean... Letting down easy. I mean come on, no one needs to get hurt...
Step 1: Change the name of my string trio.
As much as I love having the name of my string trio be a not-so-subtle swipe at my apparent lack of "passion", I think it's time for a change. Therefore, on the official facebook page I requested that the name be changed to "The Mildly Awesome Ninjas Who Like Sandwiches"... They have yet to get back to me.
Step 2: Get people to leave me alone in choir.
Now I know what you're all thinking, but let me assure you: I am well aware that murder is not only illegal but also very difficult to cover up. That's why I've decided to give them what they think they want: enthusiasm. Now, as much as I would love to exhibit enthusiasm by running into the room and yelling "I'M FRENCH, B*TCH! MAKE ME A SOUFFLE!" I don't think that that's the kind of enthusiasm they want... Nor would it influence anyone barring John Muir to leave me alone. Shame, really.
Step 3: Do a duet with Rick Astley.
Hey, I never said they were good ideas...
So there you have it... Just a few steps towards seeing why people are so obsessed with positive thinking.
Now I invite you to do the same!
And by all means, feel privelidged... I don't invite just anyone, you know.
Less than three,
~ Summer
Sunday, May 01, 2011
Regette's Anti-Drug
First off, I'm sorry I stole Summer's title, and my post isn't (unfortunately) about coffee. I hope they both can forgive me.
My strange weekend began on Friday with a lesson in Existentialism. I hate existentialism. I like to think that everything, everyone, every moment has a purpose--and that is why I don't kill my dog when she eats my $100 calculator. Well, Summer and I discussed this, and then parted ways for class. We returned to lunch, and it became one of those off days.
One of those days when in choir no one is paying attention but Summer and she ends up the only one singing. Which she immediately responds to by following up her inpromptu solo with an audible, "What the hell was that?"
I've sent her about 7 texts since Friday and had no response. I guess I'm having Summer withdrawals or something because after that, everything was just not quite right.
So I compiled a list of all the bizarre, weird, and insane things I do when not in the company of Sayuri or Summer, because they are my anti-drug.
My strange weekend began on Friday with a lesson in Existentialism. I hate existentialism. I like to think that everything, everyone, every moment has a purpose--and that is why I don't kill my dog when she eats my $100 calculator. Well, Summer and I discussed this, and then parted ways for class. We returned to lunch, and it became one of those off days.
One of those days when in choir no one is paying attention but Summer and she ends up the only one singing. Which she immediately responds to by following up her inpromptu solo with an audible, "What the hell was that?"
I've sent her about 7 texts since Friday and had no response. I guess I'm having Summer withdrawals or something because after that, everything was just not quite right.
So I compiled a list of all the bizarre, weird, and insane things I do when not in the company of Sayuri or Summer, because they are my anti-drug.
May Day: Greetings and a Wish from Sayuri
Happy May Day!!!!!!!!!!!! My wish for all of you wonderful readers is that you go out and enjoy this beautiful day the Lord has made. This morning I woke up--not particularly early (8:00)--but early enough as I didn't go to bed until after three. I was getting ready for church--a good sermon today by the way--and I realized that today was May Day! It's very exciting, and a very big deal in some places. So I put on a spring dress (relatively unheard of, especially in the chilly weather we are currently experiencing) and walked to church. It was good fun. One of the ladies there made May baskets for everyone. It was very thoughtful. Now I am relaxing and listening to country music--sorry, no Seether today ladies & gentlemen)--and debating a few key things on life:
1) Do I want to go to lunch (the first meal the college serves on the weekends) now or in half an hour?
2) What do I feel like reading? "Wuthering Heights"? The book Reg & I love to argue about (I'm right!) or perhaps a Harry Potter book...or maybe Shakespeare, or some other light pleasure reading?
3) The odds of a nap today...we'll see if I pass up tired and hit hyper (again) tonight
4) I wasn't thinking this but florescent flying barns just popped into my head.
5) If you haven't yet, watch TANGLED...seriously, you won't regret it. Click here!
Happy May Day,
With Love,
1) Do I want to go to lunch (the first meal the college serves on the weekends) now or in half an hour?
2) What do I feel like reading? "Wuthering Heights"? The book Reg & I love to argue about (I'm right!) or perhaps a Harry Potter book...or maybe Shakespeare, or some other light pleasure reading?
3) The odds of a nap today...we'll see if I pass up tired and hit hyper (again) tonight
4) I wasn't thinking this but florescent flying barns just popped into my head.
5) If you haven't yet, watch TANGLED...seriously, you won't regret it. Click here!
Happy May Day,
With Love,
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