Anyways... On to item 2 of this handy dandy list!
2. Share a relevant YouTube video. Perhaps even analyze it a bit in your post. It doesn't require a lot of work to watch and then find the best videos.
Well, I'm not exactly sure what my video is supposed to be relevant to... But they did mention "the best", and that means Charlie!
I love this video... It's just so cute!
Of course, we may not have the same taste in videos so I'm going to post a couple other links just to make sure you enjoy yourself.
This video is one you hopefully haven't seen... But if you have, hopefully you'll find it as hilarious as I did! It's just so... Random.
It was suuuuper difficult to choose which nigahiga video to choose... But... Hopefully this video gets you to watch his other videos as well! He's simply hilarious.
Of course, I can't talk about the "best videos" without posting Alex... His sense of humor is just so stellar! I love his sarcastic-ness.
Given, despite the promise of the afore-linked list, it turned out a littler harder than I expected to find the "best videos"... But! Oh well.
In other planetary news, Summer is going to eat a noodle bowl and go to sleep.
Less than three,
~ Summer.
p.s. You know what a fun link to follow is? The one to our facebook page, of course!!/pages/The-Daily-Dust/124185710995272
p.p.s. You should have clicked the link... Now kitty's sad. :'(
Any post with Charlie and Alex is a great post..great vids btw