Aha! This is perfect... http://www.howtostartablog.com/50-things-to-blog-about.php
I decided that as of tonight, I'm going to start going down the list. Hooray!
1. Take a picture. Share a picture instead of words!
I know I'm not supposed to share words, but I'm going to anyways. This is a picture I took of one of the most epic items in one of the most epic stores ever! I found it when I went to San Francisco last summer... I fell in love~!
I think I'm also supposed to share just one photo, but I'm sharing this one as well because neither of them are particularly interesting. You can't tell in this picture, but this was a double-decker carousel! It was taken the same day of the same trip as the Beatles' thing. I love carousels, so a double-decker carouself basically puts me in a trance.
So yeah... Suggestion number 1 FINISHED! Hoorah~! Thank you, Steven Chang, for the suggestions and for being a man. Hooray.
Less than three,
~ Summer
p.s. Have you visited our facebook page? DO IT! http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/pages/The-Daily-Dust/124185710995272
p.p.s. Why didn't you click the link?? You made puppy sad :(
Great pic. Awesome inclusion of the Beatles in a post.