Since I've graduated high school (it's been a long three weeks) I have been employed full time.
Because I have to pay for college.
Because though I'm 17, I have to be the fiscally responsible one. (I'm thinking back to all those Christmases when business was good and Dad thought he was Santa "Patron Silver for everyone!") I suppose no one thought I'd actually go to college. No one else in the family did.
So, I decided the moment I graduate, I am starting a college fund for my future children ( and by "my" I mean the children Sayuri will raise). That way they do not have to work full time and take out massive student loans to make up the difference.
Then I thought, "but I want them to suffer as I did..."
So, I decided I will start their college fund the moment I graduate...and never tell them about it. Then they will end up with a full-time job when they are 17 and stress about the inevitable debt they will incur from student loans (making them responsible adults, of course) but I will surprise them with their college fund just before their freshman year.
I'm still hoping that, since great minds think alike, that my father also had a similar plan.
But there is an empty tequila bottle laughing at me--a relic from better days--proving otherwise.
The Life and Times of Sayuri, Summer, and Regette
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Summer's Answers
Number nine of the list sounds fun!
9. Create a Q&A post. What are some common questions people have and what are their answers?
What I'm going to do is go to google and type in the beginning word of possible questions and see what comes up for suggested searches! It's like the google verb tag game, but better.
Here goes!
Q: What is love?
A: Do you want to know what love is? Do you want me to show you? Love is a four-letter synonym for "coffee".
Q: Where is Chuck Norris?
A: Clearly, Chuck Norris is hanging out in an underground tunnel playing checkers with Elvis and Justin Beaver.
Q: Why is the sky blue?
A: To answer that, I have to give you a bit of history. Originally, the sky was orange. Then one day a couple of those mythical god guys got super wasted and were like "DUUUUDE! We should like make the sky BLUUUUUUUUUUE!" And so it was done. The next day the other mythical gods found out and got all pissed. They were all "dude, not cool! Now the idiot humans are gonna get all mad and stuff! Put it back, man!" However, before they could change it back to orange, the gods noticed something strange about the humans below. They were all acting nice and stuff because they thought the gods had made the sky blue to warn them that if they didn't start being better people the entire world would be covered in water (contrary to popular belief, water has always been blue. Some people think that it's blue because it reflects the sky, but nope. It's definitely naturally blue). Since the humans were being nice and stuff, the gods didn't want to spoil their good behavior by changing the sky's color. The sky has been blue ever since. Also, that's where rain came from. Occasionally the mythical gods liked to f*** with our minds by making us think the water prophecy was coming true. Pricks.
Q: When is Easter?
A: If you don't know this, then you're a failure. Please get some help.
Q: Does he like me?
A: No.
Q: Is kebjumba a heterosexual bear wrestler?
A: ... I was so confused when I saw this in the search bar that I had to google it. Here's what I found: Not fair, kevjumba. Not fair. I wish that when I typed "Is Summer" into google the words "is Summer a BAMFing pirate-ninja" would pop up in the search bar, but unlike kevjumba I don't control the internet. Bahh.
That's all, folks!
Less than three,
~ Summer
p.s. Have a question of your own? Let us know in the comments or on our facebook page!
9. Create a Q&A post. What are some common questions people have and what are their answers?
What I'm going to do is go to google and type in the beginning word of possible questions and see what comes up for suggested searches! It's like the google verb tag game, but better.
Here goes!
Q: What is love?
A: Do you want to know what love is? Do you want me to show you? Love is a four-letter synonym for "coffee".
Q: Where is Chuck Norris?
A: Clearly, Chuck Norris is hanging out in an underground tunnel playing checkers with Elvis and Justin Beaver.
Q: Why is the sky blue?
A: To answer that, I have to give you a bit of history. Originally, the sky was orange. Then one day a couple of those mythical god guys got super wasted and were like "DUUUUDE! We should like make the sky BLUUUUUUUUUUE!" And so it was done. The next day the other mythical gods found out and got all pissed. They were all "dude, not cool! Now the idiot humans are gonna get all mad and stuff! Put it back, man!" However, before they could change it back to orange, the gods noticed something strange about the humans below. They were all acting nice and stuff because they thought the gods had made the sky blue to warn them that if they didn't start being better people the entire world would be covered in water (contrary to popular belief, water has always been blue. Some people think that it's blue because it reflects the sky, but nope. It's definitely naturally blue). Since the humans were being nice and stuff, the gods didn't want to spoil their good behavior by changing the sky's color. The sky has been blue ever since. Also, that's where rain came from. Occasionally the mythical gods liked to f*** with our minds by making us think the water prophecy was coming true. Pricks.
Q: When is Easter?
A: If you don't know this, then you're a failure. Please get some help.
Q: Does he like me?
A: No.
Q: Is kebjumba a heterosexual bear wrestler?
A: ... I was so confused when I saw this in the search bar that I had to google it. Here's what I found: Not fair, kevjumba. Not fair. I wish that when I typed "Is Summer" into google the words "is Summer a BAMFing pirate-ninja" would pop up in the search bar, but unlike kevjumba I don't control the internet. Bahh.
That's all, folks!
Less than three,
~ Summer
p.s. Have a question of your own? Let us know in the comments or on our facebook page!
Thats just what Reg is all about
In my circle of friends, I was always known for being the most boy-crazy.
Yes, world. I objectify men. I figure it's only fair, seeing how they've gotten away with objectifying us since our species began.
I always thought that once I had a man, I would be content with him merely wanting me--"loving" me if we have to use the dreaded L-word.
Nope. Not so.
Apparently, now I also need to be "understood" or some such nonsense.
Yes, world. I objectify men. I figure it's only fair, seeing how they've gotten away with objectifying us since our species began.
I always thought that once I had a man, I would be content with him merely wanting me--"loving" me if we have to use the dreaded L-word.
Nope. Not so.
Apparently, now I also need to be "understood" or some such nonsense.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Summer's Turning Point
I'm chilling at Reg's house, yet still blogging.
Oh well, might as well do number eight of the list while I'm at it...
8. Tell an entertaining and educational story. What were some turning point moments in your career?
There have been a few moments at work that have made me think "HELL YEAH! I CAN DO THIS SHIT!" but the one that sticks with me the most is possibly the day I cleaned the restrooms.
Less than three,
~ Summer
p.s. want a REAL entertaining/educational story? Complain on our facebook page!
Oh well, might as well do number eight of the list while I'm at it...
8. Tell an entertaining and educational story. What were some turning point moments in your career?
There have been a few moments at work that have made me think "HELL YEAH! I CAN DO THIS SHIT!" but the one that sticks with me the most is possibly the day I cleaned the restrooms.
Less than three,
~ Summer
p.s. want a REAL entertaining/educational story? Complain on our facebook page!
Advice from Reg's Dad's girlfriend
Dad's girlfriend has a problem. A problem I have yet to encounter, but I'm sure her wise advice will someday be of use.
Dad's girlfriend is dating my dad (redundant and obvious, yes). This is one of her problems. Her other problem is that her parents hate her boyfriend.
Dad's girlfriend is dating my dad (redundant and obvious, yes). This is one of her problems. Her other problem is that her parents hate her boyfriend.
Monday, June 27, 2011
The secret life of bankers...or just the interesting people Reg watches when she has nothing better to do
I was going to just copy Summer and write a list disillusioning you to the secret lives of bankers because I'm not feeling very original.
I won't though. I think I signed a stack of papers that could fill a three inch binder agreeing that I wouldn't.
I can tell you that banking and I get along just dandy. Firstly, the hours (9-5) are perfect. I get to sleep in. Also, there is free coffee and cookies on Fridays. Let me repeat that: free coffee.
Thus, banking and I are in love.
I will, however, tell you more about the skirt lady, and the other interesting people I see daily.
I won't though. I think I signed a stack of papers that could fill a three inch binder agreeing that I wouldn't.
I can tell you that banking and I get along just dandy. Firstly, the hours (9-5) are perfect. I get to sleep in. Also, there is free coffee and cookies on Fridays. Let me repeat that: free coffee.
Thus, banking and I are in love.
I will, however, tell you more about the skirt lady, and the other interesting people I see daily.
Summer's Occupation
On to number seven of the list!
7. Bust a Myth. What are common beliefs people hold in your industry that simply aren’t true?
I work in a coffee shop, and the one thing that people never seem to understand is that I am NOT a superhero.
I don't know if there's a movie or something in which the coffee shop employee was a superhero, but if there was then that CLEARLY applies to THAT employee, not ME.
Seriously, guys. They expect you to know everything. For example...
7. Bust a Myth. What are common beliefs people hold in your industry that simply aren’t true?
I work in a coffee shop, and the one thing that people never seem to understand is that I am NOT a superhero.
I don't know if there's a movie or something in which the coffee shop employee was a superhero, but if there was then that CLEARLY applies to THAT employee, not ME.
Seriously, guys. They expect you to know everything. For example...
Sunday, June 26, 2011
What Reg's subconscious is trying to tell her...
I once read that people hate listening to descriptions of dreams.
These people have never met my friends.
Summer, for instance, has dreams about being a member of an anti-government group and wielding an AK-47.
And I have dreams about losing Summer in a large department store.
I wonder what our subconsciouses are trying to tell us?
These people have never met my friends.
Summer, for instance, has dreams about being a member of an anti-government group and wielding an AK-47.
And I have dreams about losing Summer in a large department store.
I wonder what our subconsciouses are trying to tell us?
Firsts...A list by Sayuri
As I sat on Tom's four-wheeler on the farm today, I had a realization that many "firsts" have occurred since I met him. I have decided for your reading pleasure to list some of those firsts in a post =) Enjoy ;-)
Summer's Obsession
I actually wrote this post. I liked it. It was brilliant. Blogspot deleted it by randomly switching me from being logged in as Daily Dust to being logged in as Summer. You know what? F*** you, blogspot. I refuse to rewrite my comment on a news event. Did I mention F*** BLOGSPOT?!
So anyways, in my angered state I'm still going to post because Reg and I decided to post every day. SOOO, I'm moving on to number 6 because I REFUSE to rewrite something I already wrote. So here's number 6!
6. Write a How To post. Walkthroughs, tutorials and how to's tend to do very well online.
Alrighty. Here's my How To post!
How To Be a Fangirl
So anyways, in my angered state I'm still going to post because Reg and I decided to post every day. SOOO, I'm moving on to number 6 because I REFUSE to rewrite something I already wrote. So here's number 6!
6. Write a How To post. Walkthroughs, tutorials and how to's tend to do very well online.
Alrighty. Here's my How To post!
How To Be a Fangirl
Saturday, June 25, 2011
A Secret...A Post by Sayuri
I am breaking one of the great rules of writing.
I am breaking this rule because while I have nothing particularly new to put into words yet (apart from another "Farms Rule" Rule (Don't look at the pretty blue light when someone is welding...BAD idea (apparently))) I feel the need to let you wonderful readers know.........
I am breaking this rule because while I have nothing particularly new to put into words yet (apart from another "Farms Rule" Rule (Don't look at the pretty blue light when someone is welding...BAD idea (apparently))) I feel the need to let you wonderful readers know.........
On a lighter note...
U.S. gov fail
Certifying the house’s occupant was a U.S. Naval spy.
On Beauty
I realized, after an excellent chat with my dearest Sayuri, that from the moment we are born, women are taught to trick men into thinking we are beautiful.
We are taught to wear flattering clothes, heels that make our legs longer, and apply makeup to hide our flaws.
Few of us believe we are beautiful because we are taught to pretend to be beautiful regardless of if we actually are.
Unfortunately, I have no solution for this. I have no humorous remarks or satire.
Your butterfly,
We are taught to wear flattering clothes, heels that make our legs longer, and apply makeup to hide our flaws.
Few of us believe we are beautiful because we are taught to pretend to be beautiful regardless of if we actually are.
Unfortunately, I have no solution for this. I have no humorous remarks or satire.
Your butterfly,
Friday, June 24, 2011
Summer's Reply
Now that I've gotten through the (hopefully) toughest task on the list, I can finally move on to item four. My rate of progress is truly astounding.
4. Comment on another blog post on your blog. For example, if another well known blogger makes a strong statement, respond to that statement on your blog.
Alright, then.
mollymawkattack posted:
Dear America,
What is up with using "write" in place of "write to"?
Also, Antarctica has two 't's and two 'c's.
Sincerely, the English language
My response:
Dear English language,
Thank you for your concern. On lonely nights such as this, it's nice to know that someone is looking out for me. However, allow me to address your accusations. First of all, placing "to" after "write" is completely unnecessary as the intention of writing "to" rather than "on" or "in" someone is implied through context.
Also, your observance of the existence of the consonants in the word "Antarctica" is commendable, as is your mastery of the alphabet. Nonetheless, over-pronunciation of any phoneme makes one sound pretentious.
Best wishes, America
4. Comment on another blog post on your blog. For example, if another well known blogger makes a strong statement, respond to that statement on your blog.
Alright, then.
mollymawkattack posted:
Dear America,
What is up with using "write" in place of "write to"?
Also, Antarctica has two 't's and two 'c's.
Sincerely, the English language
My response:
Dear English language,
Thank you for your concern. On lonely nights such as this, it's nice to know that someone is looking out for me. However, allow me to address your accusations. First of all, placing "to" after "write" is completely unnecessary as the intention of writing "to" rather than "on" or "in" someone is implied through context.
Also, your observance of the existence of the consonants in the word "Antarctica" is commendable, as is your mastery of the alphabet. Nonetheless, over-pronunciation of any phoneme makes one sound pretentious.
Best wishes, America
Reg's solution to love-sickness
Over my life, I have become known for being anti-romantic.
For example, as my mother said to me once:
"I can't believe I raised such a bitter and jaded child"
and everyone else said: "You'll have a different opinion when you fall for a guy."
Guess what?
"Love" sucks. It still sucks. And yes, I have now "fallen" for a guy.
First of all, I adore food. I adore everything about food, and it usually adores me (or my butt actually, because as dad says, "Don't eat that or you'll get a big butt." Thanks dad.)
I can barely eat without wanting to throw up anymore, because my stomach is constantly in a love-sick mess. When I feel fine, the boy talks to me for hours and I forget to eat.
Secondly, I need sleep. I'm excellent at sleeping. I'll sleep perfectly from 9:30 to 6:30 every single day and feel rested and great in the morning.
Now I don't get sleep because I spend hours thinking insane love-addled thoughts.Hours I could be sleeping.
Lastly, I'm so hyped up on endorphins that caffeine is doing strange strange things to my mind. And that means the ultimate tragedy...
Just imagine me standing outside Starbucks at 12:00 at night with a boom-box blaring "Baby Come Back."
That's my life right now.
So I thought I'd offer a solution to this torment of "love":
A ken doll/ robot that looks exactly like Colin Firth during the swimming scene of the BBC version of Pride and Prejudice that has a string. Pull the string and he says, "You are perfectly right" in a British accent. Then it makes a cup of coffee.
Your butterfly,
For example, as my mother said to me once:
"I can't believe I raised such a bitter and jaded child"
and everyone else said: "You'll have a different opinion when you fall for a guy."
Guess what?
"Love" sucks. It still sucks. And yes, I have now "fallen" for a guy.
First of all, I adore food. I adore everything about food, and it usually adores me (or my butt actually, because as dad says, "Don't eat that or you'll get a big butt." Thanks dad.)
I can barely eat without wanting to throw up anymore, because my stomach is constantly in a love-sick mess. When I feel fine, the boy talks to me for hours and I forget to eat.
Secondly, I need sleep. I'm excellent at sleeping. I'll sleep perfectly from 9:30 to 6:30 every single day and feel rested and great in the morning.
Now I don't get sleep because I spend hours thinking insane love-addled thoughts.Hours I could be sleeping.
Lastly, I'm so hyped up on endorphins that caffeine is doing strange strange things to my mind. And that means the ultimate tragedy...
Just imagine me standing outside Starbucks at 12:00 at night with a boom-box blaring "Baby Come Back."
That's my life right now.
So I thought I'd offer a solution to this torment of "love":
A ken doll/ robot that looks exactly like Colin Firth during the swimming scene of the BBC version of Pride and Prejudice that has a string. Pull the string and he says, "You are perfectly right" in a British accent. Then it makes a cup of coffee.
Your butterfly,
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Summer’s Boredom
Hello, world!
So as most of you have probably FORGOTTEN, a few months ago I took it upon myself to complete this list. However, by number three my project came to a screeching halt.
Make a video? How the hell am I supposed to do THAT? I don’t even have a proper camera!
Needless to say, I let the project drop.
That is… UNTIL NOW!
So as most of you have probably FORGOTTEN, a few months ago I took it upon myself to complete this list. However, by number three my project came to a screeching halt.
Make a video? How the hell am I supposed to do THAT? I don’t even have a proper camera!
Needless to say, I let the project drop.
That is… UNTIL NOW!
What the stuff on my fridge means..besides that I am crazy
The things on one's fridge can say a lot about the person...
unfortunately, I think mine just say, "Crazy..."
![]() |
Summer's uses for crocs |
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
The Rules of the Farm: A post by Sayuri
Hey gang, seems like it's been a little while since we here at the daily dust have posted anything, so I think now is an opportune time to explain the things I have learned from my three days (I'll add more once I've been here longer lol) on the farm.
Here is my list of "Farms Rule" Rules:
Here is my list of "Farms Rule" Rules:
Friday, June 17, 2011
Summer’s Men
Yo yo yo, it’s your girl Summer Snow~! Bringing you a new list fo-sho!
Yeah… I should never try to be gangster.
Anyways, I can’t come up with a good intro for this blog, so I’ll just tell you that it’s a list of the top ten inventions that have made men totally useless (in no particular order). So… Enjoy! or something.
Yeah… I should never try to be gangster.
Anyways, I can’t come up with a good intro for this blog, so I’ll just tell you that it’s a list of the top ten inventions that have made men totally useless (in no particular order). So… Enjoy! or something.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
The infamous skirt lady from Reg's work...
I always feel like the world is watching me when I step outside my front door.
This feeling usually prevents me from doing embarrassing things that I would prefer strangers not to see.
However, this feeling is absent in the infamous skirt lady. As I have nothing better to do than observe her from my office window and report on her habits later, I shall tell you her everyday routine.
First, she strolls down the street in her little skirt. A wise English teacher once gave me this simile comparing essays to skirts: An essay is like a skirt--both should be long enough to cover everything, but short enough to keep things interesting. This skirt keeps things too interesting....and also is not her friend.
Next, she stops by the shiniest car in the parking lot and gives herself a good look.
Finally, she pulls up both sides of her thong so they are visible above her skirt.
I feel bad for this skirt lady--for as I only feel as if the whole world is staring at me, five suits in an office are actually staring at her.
Your butterfly,
This feeling usually prevents me from doing embarrassing things that I would prefer strangers not to see.
However, this feeling is absent in the infamous skirt lady. As I have nothing better to do than observe her from my office window and report on her habits later, I shall tell you her everyday routine.
First, she strolls down the street in her little skirt. A wise English teacher once gave me this simile comparing essays to skirts: An essay is like a skirt--both should be long enough to cover everything, but short enough to keep things interesting. This skirt keeps things too interesting....and also is not her friend.
Next, she stops by the shiniest car in the parking lot and gives herself a good look.
Finally, she pulls up both sides of her thong so they are visible above her skirt.
I feel bad for this skirt lady--for as I only feel as if the whole world is staring at me, five suits in an office are actually staring at her.
Your butterfly,
Midnight Musings: A Conversation between Summer and Sayuri (A post, by Sayuri)
The Original Comment from Summer to Sayuri: Hey darling! Sorry you're stuck in France... :( I hope they let you back in England soon! Miss ya!
Sayuri: I miss you too!!!!!!!! Ugh, save my sanity & come visit France some time. Although, I'll be in Ireland starting Sunday, so perhaps my sanity will only be slightly questionable as opposed to hand me a "hug-myself" jacket. :P We all must get together though & watch our typical movie night fare with a visit from schmarmy via La Rosa de Guadalupe. :) ♥ ♥
Summer: Well, I guess I'll just have to come to Ireland too, then! ;) And ohh my goodness "hug-myself" jacket... that pretty much made my day. Ohh my goodness YES! That's a definite must! I've really missed
Sayuri: I miss you too!!!!!!!! Ugh, save my sanity & come visit France some time. Although, I'll be in Ireland starting Sunday, so perhaps my sanity will only be slightly questionable as opposed to hand me a "hug-myself" jacket. :P We all must get together though & watch our typical movie night fare with a visit from schmarmy via La Rosa de Guadalupe. :) ♥ ♥
Summer: Well, I guess I'll just have to come to Ireland too, then! ;) And ohh my goodness "hug-myself" jacket... that pretty much made my day. Ohh my goodness YES! That's a definite must! I've really missed
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Just a little rant from Reg on the art of texting...
Texting should have laws. Besides the obvious ones about no texting and driving.
Texting should have laws so that I don't have to reappraise my evaluation of perfectly sweet young men who text badly.
Law 1: No overusing smiley faces. It is perfectly acceptable to prove happiness with diction. If a smiley face is inevitable, it must be done tastefully, and never as a "one word text."
Law 2: No one word texts. If the conversation is winding down, make an excuse to leave. Or say, "I have to go," and not explain why.
Law 3: Never, ever, ever, ever shorten words. Ever. With modern-day full keyboard phones, it is completely unnecessary to shorten words. Also, the letter "u" does not mean you. Let people appreciate a demonstration of your literacy.
Law 4: Use abbreviations sparingly and try not to use obscure abbreviations. It is polite for both participants in the conversation to understand what is being said.
There's my list. I hope it saves a poor boy or two.
Your butterfly,
Texting should have laws so that I don't have to reappraise my evaluation of perfectly sweet young men who text badly.
Law 1: No overusing smiley faces. It is perfectly acceptable to prove happiness with diction. If a smiley face is inevitable, it must be done tastefully, and never as a "one word text."
Law 2: No one word texts. If the conversation is winding down, make an excuse to leave. Or say, "I have to go," and not explain why.
Law 3: Never, ever, ever, ever shorten words. Ever. With modern-day full keyboard phones, it is completely unnecessary to shorten words. Also, the letter "u" does not mean you. Let people appreciate a demonstration of your literacy.
Law 4: Use abbreviations sparingly and try not to use obscure abbreviations. It is polite for both participants in the conversation to understand what is being said.
There's my list. I hope it saves a poor boy or two.
Your butterfly,
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Summer's game
Sorry I haven't posted but as I believe Summer has already stated, we are indeed working on something "cool".
When I say cool, I mean like bow ties and fezzes are cool.
Anyways, I thought I'd share with you an entertaining drinking game Summer just invented.
The back story of this game is I am at that awkward instance in the beginning of an acquaintanceship with a guy and I have received a text from him, but he made me wait a couple hours since I texted him. Therefore my plan is too make him wait equally as long (or longer) as a kind of punishment...(cue evil laugh).
Summer's solution to my lack of patience:
When I say cool, I mean like bow ties and fezzes are cool.
Anyways, I thought I'd share with you an entertaining drinking game Summer just invented.
The back story of this game is I am at that awkward instance in the beginning of an acquaintanceship with a guy and I have received a text from him, but he made me wait a couple hours since I texted him. Therefore my plan is too make him wait equally as long (or longer) as a kind of punishment...(cue evil laugh).
Summer's solution to my lack of patience:
"pshhhhh... every time you want to message him back, do a shot. by the time you're too drunk to stop yourself from messaging him, you'll be passed out."
Perfect game? I think yes.
Your butterfly,
P.s. Thank you for the graduation well-wishes my dear Sayuri and Summer!
Summer Forgot to Title This Post
Hello, love!
If I told you that Reg and I haven't been posting because we're working on something AWESOME, would you believe me?
No. You probably wouldn't.
Anyways, I've decided to post a quick entry because I read something today that left me quite baffled.
In one of my mom's friend's facebook statuses, said friend said something about being "annoying as hell to everyone."
While the actual content of that status is pretty easy to understand, the misuse of "hell" sort of got to me after I thought about if for a while. After thinking about it for a little more, I realized just how much of a filler word "hell" has become. I mean, really. Hell is annoying? Do you get sent down there and go "damn, not again..." and stomp your foot?
Also, how would one know if hell was annoying? I always thought of it as more horrifying, but apparently hell is annoying, jumpy, insightful, and weird (those are just a few examples of actual misuses of the word).
It's also become a sort of filler word... "What the hell was that?" and "What was that?" mean the same thing. So why the hell do we use it so much? Why do we use it so much?
I think...
Hell used to be on the state tests, where "gliff" is today. Originally it was f***, but as the word f*** took on another meaning they had to take it out (that's how f*** started getting misused as well!). Then they changed it to hell, but they took it out when they got sued by an atheist for making their child accept a religious concept. The new word then became "gliff".
and in case you were wondering, YES... f*** has been around before it had a meaning, and state tests have been around since the beginning of time.
So you know what I think we should do?
Make "gliff" a cuss word! Then they would have to change it again! That would be lovely...
Unfortunately, no one would think it was a bad word. Mehh.
Less than three,
~ Summer
If I told you that Reg and I haven't been posting because we're working on something AWESOME, would you believe me?
No. You probably wouldn't.
Anyways, I've decided to post a quick entry because I read something today that left me quite baffled.
In one of my mom's friend's facebook statuses, said friend said something about being "annoying as hell to everyone."
While the actual content of that status is pretty easy to understand, the misuse of "hell" sort of got to me after I thought about if for a while. After thinking about it for a little more, I realized just how much of a filler word "hell" has become. I mean, really. Hell is annoying? Do you get sent down there and go "damn, not again..." and stomp your foot?
Also, how would one know if hell was annoying? I always thought of it as more horrifying, but apparently hell is annoying, jumpy, insightful, and weird (those are just a few examples of actual misuses of the word).
It's also become a sort of filler word... "What the hell was that?" and "What was that?" mean the same thing. So why the hell do we use it so much? Why do we use it so much?
I think...
Hell used to be on the state tests, where "gliff" is today. Originally it was f***, but as the word f*** took on another meaning they had to take it out (that's how f*** started getting misused as well!). Then they changed it to hell, but they took it out when they got sued by an atheist for making their child accept a religious concept. The new word then became "gliff".
and in case you were wondering, YES... f*** has been around before it had a meaning, and state tests have been around since the beginning of time.
So you know what I think we should do?
Make "gliff" a cuss word! Then they would have to change it again! That would be lovely...
Unfortunately, no one would think it was a bad word. Mehh.
Less than three,
~ Summer
Thursday, June 09, 2011
REG IS A GRADUATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SUMMER & I ARE SO PROUD OF OUR GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Honey's Alphabet
Yo yo yo! So this is actually Summer... but Honey gave me this list today and I wanted to share it with you! It's her own alphabet :)
Tuesday, June 07, 2011
Summer's Disease
Waddup guys.
So today I'm going to educate you on the topic that no one wants to discuss...
Yes, you know what I'm talking about. At least once in their life, everyone has to have that one talk involving that one word that begins with the letter "s".
You guessed it...
I'm going to educate you on schmarms.
So today I'm going to educate you on the topic that no one wants to discuss...
Yes, you know what I'm talking about. At least once in their life, everyone has to have that one talk involving that one word that begins with the letter "s".
You guessed it...
I'm going to educate you on schmarms.
Hospitals: a rant by Sayuri
There are a few things hospitals can do to improve the stay of their patients and I feel now (as I am sitting in a hospital) is a perfect time to point them out.
First, and foremost as it is the most obnoxious to me right now and I'm not even the patient: The dinging. Is it REALLY FREAKING NECESSARY?
First, and foremost as it is the most obnoxious to me right now and I'm not even the patient: The dinging. Is it REALLY FREAKING NECESSARY?
Monday, June 06, 2011
Summer's Customers
So, today at work I had an overload of cuteness.
First, this really adorable cowboy-man with a cowboy accent came in and was really sweet and was talking on his phone saying adorable things like "well if that's anywhere near you, I'll drive up there". It was flipping adorable! Then this guy came in that I swear could get famous for his cuteness. He was really sweet and good looking and I just wanted to ask him if he wanted to take me up on my shirts offer of a "Free Hug". After that, a woman came through the drive-thru with her tiny son in the back. When I waved and smiled at him, he gave me a confused smile and waved as if to say "just smile and wave, boys... keep the crazy lady happy." It was freaking adorable. The final adorable-ness was a super adorable man who came and was just being super nice and being like "what's your favorite? That sounds good to me, I'll take that" and just basically being the nicest person ever. Gahh! So much cuteness I'm going to explode!
That's why cute people are evil.
Less than three,
~ Summer
p.s. Check out our facebook page! Chat us up and stuff. Ask us questions! We'll answer! I promise...!/pages/The-Daily-Dust/124185710995272
p.p.s. You really should start clicking that link... Now you made pikachu sad :'( what's next, Justin Bieber?!
First, this really adorable cowboy-man with a cowboy accent came in and was really sweet and was talking on his phone saying adorable things like "well if that's anywhere near you, I'll drive up there". It was flipping adorable! Then this guy came in that I swear could get famous for his cuteness. He was really sweet and good looking and I just wanted to ask him if he wanted to take me up on my shirts offer of a "Free Hug". After that, a woman came through the drive-thru with her tiny son in the back. When I waved and smiled at him, he gave me a confused smile and waved as if to say "just smile and wave, boys... keep the crazy lady happy." It was freaking adorable. The final adorable-ness was a super adorable man who came and was just being super nice and being like "what's your favorite? That sounds good to me, I'll take that" and just basically being the nicest person ever. Gahh! So much cuteness I'm going to explode!
That's why cute people are evil.
Less than three,
~ Summer
p.s. Check out our facebook page! Chat us up and stuff. Ask us questions! We'll answer! I promise...!/pages/The-Daily-Dust/124185710995272
p.p.s. You really should start clicking that link... Now you made pikachu sad :'( what's next, Justin Bieber?!
Reg's Graduation...or something else
I'm going to post about graduation again.
Just a warning.
Today, I was chilling at home when I received an excited call from my father.
Dad: "We're having a BBQ on Thursday for the game. The guys are going to come over."
Me: "Umm...I think I'm graduating...or something...."
Dad: "Ohhh..I thought I had forgotten something."
Only one thing for me to say to this (inaudibly, of course)
"F*** this game. "
Your butterfly,
Just a warning.
Today, I was chilling at home when I received an excited call from my father.
Dad: "We're having a BBQ on Thursday for the game. The guys are going to come over."
Me: "Umm...I think I'm graduating...or something...."
Dad: "Ohhh..I thought I had forgotten something."
Only one thing for me to say to this (inaudibly, of course)
"F*** this game. "
Your butterfly,
Summer's Alphabet
Why hello there, person I don't know!
It is currently 12:32 am... I have finals tomorrow... and I cannot go to sleep.
I think it's because I ate frozen yogurt not too long ago... Damn my gluttony.
So, as a result to my hyper boredom, I'm going to list some of my favorite things in alphabetical order. Hooray!
It is currently 12:32 am... I have finals tomorrow... and I cannot go to sleep.
I think it's because I ate frozen yogurt not too long ago... Damn my gluttony.
So, as a result to my hyper boredom, I'm going to list some of my favorite things in alphabetical order. Hooray!
Sunday, June 05, 2011
Why graduation=karma...
I have come to the conclusion that graduation is punishment for all the negative thoughts or deeds I've accumulated in 13 years of public school...
First, I will be made to wear a shapeless gown and silly hat...such as a Dunce from an early 1900's schoolhouse. Also, I am similarly displayed in front of my peers (perhaps to be mocked).
Then, I will sit on hard bleachers for several hours while I listen to boring lectures about how to prepare for the rest of my lives.
Finally, I will be forced to spend an entire night with my family. This would not be bad, except they dislike each other immensely and I will have to be the peacekeeper (or perhaps referee?)
Thus, graduation is karma. Bad bad karma. I wish I would have paid even less attention in Stats.
Always your butterfly,
P.S. A conversation between grandmother and I this weekend:
G-ma: "Regette, darling, I would like to furnish one of your bathrooms when you move to your new apartment."
Reg: "Thanks. Any help is appreciated."
G-ma: "That way you'll think of me..."
Reg: "...Thanks..."
G-ma: "...every time you take a dump."
Reg: "...."
Reg: "Maybe you should furnish brother's bathroom instead..."
First, I will be made to wear a shapeless gown and silly hat...such as a Dunce from an early 1900's schoolhouse. Also, I am similarly displayed in front of my peers (perhaps to be mocked).
Then, I will sit on hard bleachers for several hours while I listen to boring lectures about how to prepare for the rest of my lives.
Finally, I will be forced to spend an entire night with my family. This would not be bad, except they dislike each other immensely and I will have to be the peacekeeper (or perhaps referee?)
Thus, graduation is karma. Bad bad karma. I wish I would have paid even less attention in Stats.
Always your butterfly,
P.S. A conversation between grandmother and I this weekend:
G-ma: "Regette, darling, I would like to furnish one of your bathrooms when you move to your new apartment."
Reg: "Thanks. Any help is appreciated."
G-ma: "That way you'll think of me..."
Reg: "...Thanks..."
G-ma: "...every time you take a dump."
Reg: "...."
Reg: "Maybe you should furnish brother's bathroom instead..."
Saturday, June 04, 2011
Irritation........When Technology lets you DOWN: A post by Sayuri
So, I just spent approximately 3 hours refining a picture collection for you, our fabulous audience. I went through all 162 of the tediously giving titles and authors in the hopes of enlightening you on
Friday, June 03, 2011
Second to Summer's Plea: A Reg/Sayuri Dilemma
Wuthering Heights. That is the subject of dispute between my beloved Reg & myself. More specifically, the character Heathcliff, is the topic of our disagreement. Perhaps Reg & I will sit down and write out our respective arguments/POV's regarding Heathcliff but I am going to try to avoid tainting you yet.
"Will the real Reg please stand up?"
Guess what?
Wait…Don’t guess. Guessing sucks. I’ll just tell you what.
I’m back, after a lengthy renegotiation of my salary and benefits package (which is still nada and nothing.)
Here is what you’ve missed in my life this week:
-The weather got even crappier (which means rain…wtf?)
-Grandmother expressed her disappointment in me (wait…that happens all the time…)
- I baked delicious brownies with my Honey and Summer with some Baileys and some pecans.
-Sayuri, Summer, and I attended Sayuri’s sister’s middle school graduation
-I asked a three year old, “How do you know if you really love someone?” and she replied, “You just do.”
-I got a sexy new computer
-The rat bastard asked me, “How did prom go?” and I did not reply.
-I learned a new paradox about a cat in a box. Maybe I’ll post about it later.
That’s about it. So much exciting news…
Ever wonder what Reg would do as an MI6? Need a smile?: Read on =)
Read this: For Smile, Click here!
Oh, I hope you got as much enjoyment out of the article (mainly the first sentence/paragraph).
Happy Friday,
Oh, I hope you got as much enjoyment out of the article (mainly the first sentence/paragraph).
Happy Friday,
Thursday, June 02, 2011
A headbanging graduation: a post to counter-act Reg's strike
So today was by little sister's middle school graduation. Naturally, Reg & Summer were there as the peanut gallery to witness the glory that was our (very) small town's middle school graduates. I am home from Iowa for the summer, and find myself enjoying the times like today. Today we had sixteen people at my house celebrating the graduation of two of the 2011 students. My godson, who graduates from Kinder tomorrow and whose birthday is on Tuesday, decided to headbang to some good ole Disney Channel Pop music which was frightening as it brought his face awfully close to the piece of cake on the plate before him. Why is this frightening? Because it would have been exceptionally hard to NOT die from laughter had he face-planted into his piece of chocolate cake. In addition to that, my parents were sitting behind our group at graduation, whispering conspiratorially, and causing more trouble than four-year-old Samantha, who had to be taken out of the ceremony by her grandfather for talking too was rather humorous--my parents, not Sami being taken out. All in all it was a good night, and it just gets the morning (0400 to be exact) Reg & Summer will be getting up for school to have their coffee, get ready, and we will drive the hour and ten minutes from my house to their (and formerly my own) shall be quite epic...almost as epic as it is early. Only one word will get the three of us through tomorrow morning....COFFEE.
Until next time (when Reg will HOPEFULLY no longer be on strike),
Until next time (when Reg will HOPEFULLY no longer be on strike),
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