The Life and Times of Sayuri, Summer, and Regette

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Summer's game

Sorry I haven't posted but as I believe Summer has already stated, we are indeed working on something "cool".

When I say cool, I mean like bow ties and fezzes are cool.

Anyways, I thought I'd share with you an entertaining drinking game Summer just invented.

The back story of this game is I am at that awkward instance in the beginning of an acquaintanceship with a guy and I have received a text from him, but he made me wait a couple hours since I texted him. Therefore my plan is too make him wait equally as long (or longer) as a kind of punishment...(cue evil laugh).

Summer's solution to my lack of patience:

"pshhhhh... every time you want to message him back, do a shot. by the time you're too drunk to stop yourself from messaging him, you'll be passed out."
Perfect game? I think yes.
Your butterfly,
P.s. Thank you for the graduation well-wishes my dear Sayuri and Summer!

1 comment:

  1. Aww! I'm so jazzed it was blog-worthy! xD

    p.s. how wasted are you now? :P
