A: Antiques
B: bows
C: cursive
D: dandelions
E: English class
F: flip-flops
G: Gilmore Girls
H: hugs
I: Icees
J: Jam
K: kisses
L: lollipops
M: musicals
N: nail polish
O: old trucks
P: pink
Q: quotes
R: reading
S: shopping
T: Tom Hanks
U: Urban Outfitters
V: Vitamin Water
W: white picket fences
X: xoxo
Y: yellow houses
Z: ....zoos?;)
and there you go.
The most adorable alphabet list thing EVER!
You should make your own! It's fun! Post it to our comments or to our facebook page :)
Less than three,
~ Summer
p.s. Quick! Quick! Post your alphabets to our facebook page before it's too late~! http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/pages/The-Daily-Dust/124185710995272
p.p.s. You really should have clicked the link, you know... Now you've made Jack Skellington sad!
Have I mentioned how much I like Honey? Cuz I do =)