The Life and Times of Sayuri, Summer, and Regette

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Susie Homemaker, Reg,'s all the same to Reg

I never realized how eccentric I was until my new roommates moved in.
I guess I should back up a bit and explain; I live with Salamski, my ex-step brother, in a duplex. He was denied unemployment and still can’t find a job, so I pay his rent.
Rather, grandma secretly puts money in my bank account so I may pay his rent.
Well, he finally wised-up to this save-Salamski’s-man-card scheme of grandma's. Thus, he decided to rent out his half of the duplex and live on the couch instead of being bailed out by two women.
Luckily our new roommates happen to be mutual friends of ours, so we get along well. This may be in part due to the “talkin’ to” Salamski gave them on their first night, when I, predictably, was in my room writing a treatise on the political development of Canada (all this “evolution not revolution” nonsense pushed my 1000 word minimum to 10 pages.)
It went something like this:
Salamski: “…and this is Reg’s coffee cup. Do not touch her coffee cup…all the dishes should be done promptly and put away, except for the coffee cup, which stays on the counter to the left of the coffee pot… Make sure you unplug everything and keep lights off and stuff, Reg’s kinda freaks out about that…she’s probably asleep right now, she always goes to bed at 9:00 but stays up ‘till 10 doing whatever…and you have to be really really quiet. She does not like noise. Do not make noise after 9.”
So I’m the crazy bitch who keeps everything clean and goes to bed early. They’ve taken to calling me Susie Homemaker. Or Mother.
Your butterfly,

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Summer's Blague

Well, here it is.

Thanksgiving Day is upon us.

For weeks, I've been dreading this day like it was Justin Bieber's Christmas album. Now that it's here, though, it's not quite as scary as I'd imagined...

Thanksgiving, that is.

Justin Bieber's Christmas album will never cease to terrify me.

After all, who am I to hate on a holiday devoted to being thankful? When you think about it, Thanksgiving is one of the most beautiful holidays we have.

I actually wonder if other countries have similar holidays... They should! I know Thanksgiving was originally about the pilgrims and all that rot, but these days it revolves around many universal values:

Football, family, and food.

AND giving thanks.

Therefore, on this day, I'm going to take a moment to acknowledge all the things I'm thankful for.

1. Family

Whether you love 'em or you hate 'em, they're a huge part of who you are. I, for one, love my family. I'd be lost without them.

2. Friends

In the last few years, my life has become crazier than Willy Wonka (seriously, that guy's on something). No matter how bad things seem to get, however, my friends always manage to pull me through... Honey, Regette, and Sayuri get a huge shout-out and internet hug!!!

3. Inspiration

Recently, I've been finding a lot of inspiration... I think it's important to find someone or something that inspires you to go farther and try harder. Therefore, I'd like to thank Tom Milsom, Dean Moriarty, Elton John, Mika, Rudolf Budginas, and (of course) Daniel (Jurassic Park guy) for being my inspiration in your own strange ways. In fact, it was while listening to Elton John's "Funeral For a Friend/Love Lies Bleeding" a couple months ago that I officially decided to become a composer.

4. Coffee

How awesome is coffee? Most of my greatest moments happened while I was under the influence of coffee. I absolutely love it. Without coffee, I have no identifiable personality. Just ask anyone who's been around me when I HAVEN'T had coffee... of course, that usually involves me pulling a Jack Sparrow asking "why is the coffee gone?!" and running around madly searching for that heavenly brew. That's usually followed by my poor defense of "I'm not addicted, I just NEED it!" Yeah... coffee's awesome.

5. Hardships

Oh, the hardships. No fun, right? Well, without even the most minor of hardships, I wouldn't be as strong as I am today. Sure, I'm still pretty weak... but a bit stronger! Wow, it sounds like I'm talking about coffee. I have issues... but what I'm saying is that I'm thankful for everything I've gone through, because it's made me who I am today. It's given me a different perspective on things... dare I say existentialism?

6. This Blog

Did you know that the French word for "joke" sounds exactly the same as "blog"? I'm just waiting for the day someone comments with "your blog is a blague!" Anyways... yes, I'm thankful for this blog. It's been a lovely way of keeping Say, Reg and I in contact! Keeps us up to date and whatnot... and while we may not be the most consistent posters, when we do post it brightens my day.

I love you both very, very much and I hope to see you very, very soon!

I hope your Thanksgivings are wonderful and pie-full.

Less than three,

~ Summer


Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Summer's Idea

OH, the drama.

This Occupy Wall Street thing has gotten way out of hand. Somehow, a group of people with no specific purpose or plan has attracted other groups of people similarly without purpose or plan, and these groups have attracted the attention of basically everyone.


Therefore, after seeing one too many Facebook political arguments as informed as those of the majority of the protesters, I thought I'd throw my two cents in.

Actually, it's more like one cent.

Make that a piece of eight.

Anyway, I'd like to bring up a few things that are slowly becoming my pet peeves about these protests.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Truths and a question: A post by Sayuri

I should be working on my Japanese homework. I should be answering some questions for Elementary Health & P.E., I should be studying for my math test since I failed the last one with a 53%. But, before that, I have some sad realities, some enlightening truths, and a question to share with you lovely people.

Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Facebook Friends

Today, I tackled a feat SO large, it took over 3 hours....I went through all of my facebook friends, typed out every single name in a three column list (during creative writing of course lol) and I picked off some of them and...

Sunday, November 06, 2011

Reg does love “bubble” metaphors

I overuse bubble metaphors, it’s true—however, they are usually effective in getting my point across..
Firstly, there is my personal space “bubble.” Perhaps due to being an only child, I do not like my space encroached upon in any circumstance (the only exceptions being my three closest friends and my father.)
Secondly, there is the larger “bubble” I live in—the bubble of growing up for 18 years in the same homogeneous country town, award winning school system, and middle class family.
Today I expanded the second “bubble.” (The first is hopeless, but I do try.)
Today, in atonement for the two bags of black licorice I dipped in 98 percent cacoa ghiradelli dark chocolate I made late last night, I went for a walk. I went for a 3 hour walk around where I live, and I finally know how to get where I’m going.
I should really stop being so nervous and just get on with my sad, sad life in my tiny bubble.
Your butterfly,

Friday, November 04, 2011

Sad Realities --Sayuri--

So, here's the thing.

Sexual assault at all is wrong. Violent sexual assaults are inexcusable.

When alcohol is involved, both victim and perpetrator are victims.

Yet, alcohol doesn't excuse the crime.

But, I'm sad. Saddened by the fact someone, I don't know personally but know of and have heard about for sporting things, ruined his life. He can't return to school. Can't play the game he clearly loved. His whole life, this tag will follow him, and it saddens me that his future is ruined. His employment, future relationships, future educational opportunities are all jeopardized by the assault he committed. I am sad for him. I wish we could go back, and change what happened, both for victim and perpetrator. We can't. We must continue on, yet, it has opened my eyes to the possibility of feeling sorry for the person who creates victims. Batterers, rapists, sexual assault doers, all of these people make decisions that ruin their lives. I can't imagine living with that lingering over my every move.

I don't really know what else to say. Make wise choices. The decisions you make today, can decide your future. It's a scary reality that we all must acknowledge.

And everything follows logically--if only in Reg's dreams

I haven’t thought of much to write about lately, so I’ll take inspiration where I get.
I always feel a bit weird finding inspiration from other bloggers (though I feel weird all the time anyway, so why is now any different) but translating my thoughts into a coherent blog post trumped awkwardness in this situation.
So sorry, random internet person who seems awesome--I’m not picking on you. You just said something pretty and I stole a small part of it to think on.
( I was going to use a metaphor then –to chew on—but I wasn’t sure you’d want the thought back after I chewed it up and spit it out…sorry, extended metaphor)
Well, anyway: mollymawkattack said—
“Choice is a dangerous word.”
Choice is a dangerous word—but only because it inspires false hope. Choice gives us the hope that we can control the greater part of our lives, when in reality, our choices are mostly irrelevant. Our options are the defining factor in our lives.
(I’m going to give poor and perhaps illogical anecdotal evidence now and go off on some pretty gnarly tangents, so bear with me, if you will.)

Thursday, November 03, 2011

Reg's sad excuse for a joke

Challenge Accepted


Challenge Complete

Love, Reg

p.s. I'm kidding--I know what Sayuri meant, and I'll write an apostrophe later

10:21 am... it's later... thus I give you my apostrophe:

Wednesday, November 02, 2011

A challenge for Reg & Summer :)

Write an apostrophe.



Watch It

The title says it all :)


A Letter to the Lovely Sayuri

My dearest, dearest Sayuri...

I cannot tell you how positively ecstatic I was to read your post!!! I very much squealed upon reading it, causing even the near cattle (who were previously standing like statues) to give me strange looks. That's how excited I am! I need more details, though!!! I need the full scoop! Heck, give me the whole carton! I can't wait until we're all together again and can discuss this in person... I'm considering making a pilgrimage to your side of the country when school gets out! Until then... I cannot possibly begin to tell you how ineffably happy I am for you! I can't WAIT for more details!!!!!!

Waiting on the edge of her seat,

~ Summer

p.s. I love you so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so much!

Tuesday, November 01, 2011

My Poem: Sayuri's strange sense of humor

Today in Creative Writing, our Professor told us we had ten minutes to write a poem. She gave us three options in case we were blocked but said we could write anything. I stared at the screen. Stared some more. And this is what I ended the 10 minutes with:

November 1, 2011
I cannot write a poem
I cannot find the words
Finding rhythm, rhyme, and reason
To me is quite absurd.
Instead I stare at this blank screen
And dream my day away.  

Seems  to fit lol
     ~Failure like Faulkner~ (look up the quote "I'm a failed poet" that Faulkner said...I don't think Faulkner is a failure. For those who don't know who Faulkner is...I encourage you to head to a library and read :)

In love with books,

I'm getting married...

Dear Reg & Summer,
   I do not see you as often as I used to or as often as I would like. As such, I use our blog to keep up with the day-to-day happenings of the wonderful world of you. So, this seems like an inappropriate way to tell you, but Tom plans on asking my father's permission to ask me to marry him, some time in the near future--the asking of permission, not the actual wedding. Naturally, when a proposal actually occurs, I will call both of you and we will talk and squeal...well, I don't know if we'll squeal cuz we generally do not unless it involves Starbucks :P .... Anywho, this new bit of information seemed pertinent and I wanted to let you two know that although it has not happened yet, there is a good chance it will happen within the next six months. You two are the most amazing friends and I love you both :)

        With all the love in my heart,