The Life and Times of Sayuri, Summer, and Regette

Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Facebook Friends

Today, I tackled a feat SO large, it took over 3 hours....I went through all of my facebook friends, typed out every single name in a three column list (during creative writing of course lol) and I picked off some of them and...
deleted them!
It's amazing. Whether you knew them long or not, whether you had many conversations with them or not, memories float into your mind and you feel bad for deleting them. How will you know what they do in life? How will you communicate on the off chance you need them?  It's amazing, you hesitate, you feel slightly guilty, and with a click of a button, a former relationship is severed. Now what?

Share your thoughts,

1 comment:

  1. Well, long as you didn't delete me. Haha.

    Personally I couldn't do it. Though I don't have as many friends as you, so I don't want to... :P
