The Life and Times of Sayuri, Summer, and Regette

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Summer's Acquaintances

“So, needless to say, I’m odds and ends; but I’ll be stumbling away, slowly learning that life is okay.” – A-Ha

As this blog has more or less become a means of communication between its writers, I say a jolly hello to the lovely Sayuri and Regette!

It has been so long since I’ve seen either of you that I hardly remember what you look like! Have you gone blond? Have you gotten devastatingly disfiguring plastic surgery? Have you started wearing black lipstick? These are the things I may never know…

I do, however, wish to know what y’all have been up to lately! Therefore, I am writing an open letter to you both, in hopes that you will read it and write one in reply.

My life has been terribly typical lately, which means it’s the perfect combination of stress and uncertainty that has kept me entertained for almost 18 years.  The most recent things on my mind are my senior recital, the youth symphony’s final concert, graduation, university, and making it to each of my appointments and obligations reasonably regularly.

What has been going on in your lives? I am dying to know!

In blogging fashion, there is one topic I wish to address…  it is that of acquaintances.

You know, those people that you’ve seen before (maybe even spoken to) but have never spent enough quality time with to call them friends? Sadly enough, I have far too many of these.

Now, is it just me, or do they tend to show up at the most awkward times possible? For example…

1)  While Shopping
I cannot tell you how often I have been walking innocently through a store, minding my own business, before being confronted with the possibility of walking past someone that I hardly know.  Possibly the most awkward occasion of this was when I saw a co-worker of mine at Forever 21.  Earlier that day, she had asked me to cover her shift that night and I told her I had rehearsal.  Yet, mere hours later, we were found clothing items in hand, both clearly doing nothing that required a night off.  Luckily, she avoided eye contact almost faster than I did and we never spoke of it.  Yet, a part of me will always regret that occasion, wishing I had mustered up the courage to say “oh, honey.  Not that dress; just no.”

2) At Work
There are few things I hate- nay, LOATHE- more than when acquaintances come into my coffee shop.  My reaction is similar to that of saying goodbye to a friend: "oh dear, are they expecting a hug? Should I go in for a hug? I hate hugs, I’ll just back away slowly… wait, they’re raising their arm.  Handshake? High-five? I’ll just…  OH MY GOODNESS THEY WANT A HUG! NOOOOOOO-" and such.  I can never tell if the other person wants to own up to the fact that they recognize me or if they’d prefer not to associate with the one serving their demands (for beverages.  I felt the need to clarify).  Therefore, I opt for a slightly too cheerful “hello” and a face that looks disturbingly similar to this: 

as I try to use my “Criminal Minds” skills to read their behavior and determine how they’d like the situation to proceed.  This usually guarantees that I will never have to worry about their associating with me ever again.

3) Out of Town
I don’t think this one needs any explanation…  When this does occur, I want nothing more than to yell “I thought I escaped your disgusting presence! Get out of my sight before I file a restraining order!” Or…  a slightly less dramatic version of the above.  But you get the idea…  I don’t like seeing people where they don’t belong.  It just isn’t cool.

What are your least favorite places to encounter awkward acquaintances? Is it as much of a problem for you or am I even more awkward than I thought? Let me know!

I miss you both SO very much and hope that you are doing very well!

Less than three,

~ Summer

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