The Life and Times of Sayuri, Summer, and Regette

Thursday, September 08, 2011

Summer's Move

I'm moving tomorrow which means packing tonight. I've moved and packed many times before, but it wasn't until tonight that I realised how much of an adventure packing really is!

The Truth About Packing

1. You never know how many clothes you have until you try to carry them.

Seriously, it felt like I was carrying a dead body! Not that I know what that feels like, or anything...

2. You Discover Treasure!

Okay, maybe not treasure... but you do find things that you were too lazy to look for before. For example, I found my iPod on my bed under a pile of clothes. I've been wondering where it went...

3. You Feel Neater

Not in a "neat-o!" fashion, nor in a "scotch neat" sort of way. When you put all your belongings into various containers, you feel very neat and tidy. It's like "yeah, I CAN clean my room! Woot!"

4. You Find Awesome Clothes That You Half Wish You Hadn't Found

Take knee socks, for example. I didn't know I had any until I found them, but now I'm totally wearing them tomorrow. A part of me wishes I hadn't found them in the first place... but I can't resist!

5. You Find Things That You Should've Thrown Away Years Ago

... and you finally throw them away because you don't want to pack them. Packing is the best way to rid yourself of useless crap!

To be perfectly honest, I'm not exactly sure where I'm moving to... not permanently, anyway. I just haven't decided yet. What I have decided, however, is that it's better this way. I feel sorry for the kids that know exactly where they're moving and when, because they don't have any adventure. That's right, peeps, my life's got adventure.

I should sign off before I start quoting Sesame Street songs.

Less than three,

~ Summer

p.s. Adventure~! Our story's true!

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