The Life and Times of Sayuri, Summer, and Regette

Friday, July 08, 2011

Reg's never going to leave this bed--a lesson in post scripts

Today, I woke up at 1am.

Then I went to the airport and flew to North Carolina on my 18th birthday (which was suspiciously hassle free.)We rented a car and followed directions to the hotel near my university...

and got lost in the ghetto for an hour and a half due to crappy mapquest directions and road construction.

I am never ever leaving this hotel room again (well, except maybe Monday to go to the gorgeous University down the street.)

Nope. Not leaving.

Your butterfly,

My post scripts are a bit juvenile and lengthy, so I included a jump break.

p.s. and my "significant other" didn't know it was my birthday and seems rather unconcerned about not knowing it was until the day of.

p.p.s. luckily, I have the most wonderful friends (Cinnamon, Honey, Sayuri, Summer-in alphabetical order, of course). They made my day so much better. :)

p.p.p.s. I wish I had something more coherent to say--or something amusing but I don't.

p.p.p.p.s. It's "post script." therefore "p.s.s.s.s." is incorrect.

p.p.p.p.p.s. someone should tell me advice on what to do with the person mentioned in the first post script.

1 comment:

  1. 1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY~!!!!!


    3. Wow. I hate your "significant other" a little more now. In fact, I hate him a lot. He's really pissing me off. I wish I could tell him off... but that would most definitely scare him off. Meh.

    4. Are you kidding? This post is incredibly amusing! I love it so~! It's simply adorable.

    5. I wish people understood the concept of post script these days...

    6. Oh how I wish I could give you advice... unfortunately, I'm a noob at that sort of thing. I'd say you should act cold and distant and make him worry, but I'm not sure that would work... sorry! I'll try to come up with a plan.

    7. Pictures? :)
