The Life and Times of Sayuri, Summer, and Regette

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

What Reg Loves About the California Mid-State Fair

Working near the Mid-State Fair during fair-time is one of the best things about where I work. My average customer per day rate is 8.2, so I often need entertainment besides my usual occupation of thinking of how I've effed up my relationship. The Fair provides a variety of entertainment--and I don't even have to pay the 8 dollar admissions or eat deep-fried kool-aide.

"Woo-hoo" Girls:

"Woo-hoo" girls are name for the sound they make when buying their next round of shots. They wear cowboy boots and short-shorts. They frequent the Scholaries fair bus-stop (the fair is two blocks away).

I once was the third wheel on my father's date with a "woo hoo" girl. She wanted me to go to the barn dance and "let loose" (I was 16.) In the end I had to drive her home because she was too smashed/ stoned on pain killers to drive.


My favorite bank experience was when a carnie entered with a pillow case, shouting that her father owned 3 banks in Saudi Arabia. She proceeded to steal all of our FDIC pamphlets, and then fled. Perhaps she wanted to share with her fellow carnies that each depositor is insured up to$250,000?


Almost every customer mentions that it's getting warmer because "it's always over 100 for fair-time."

I thought it was due to the high atmospheric pressure. I could be wrong.


The fair is a high-school reunion for anyone that graduated from any local high school in the last 50 years, except cheaper.

Also, it reminds me why I do not wish to attend my high school reunions.


I've seen more arrests by looking out the bank window in the last year than the rest of my 17 years of life.

I enjoy the ones made by the rent-a-cop most because he drives a golf cart. Being arrested by an overweight man in a golf cart surely ruins street-cred.

Your butterfly,

1 comment:

  1. Legit. Sounds like an interesting day Reg.
