The Life and Times of Sayuri, Summer, and Regette

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The Ironies of Life: A post, by Sayuri

Sorry for the writing delay! After our rather interesting cross country move, I moved back into the dorms at my school and have been getting accustomed to the ideas of scheduling, homework, dietary changes, AND fun time management. Today, as I have homework still to do, I will keep this post brief and reflective. This is the irony of my life as of today......

        Educational Psych teacher: ".....................and I want you to make a blog about ________ (w/e the topic is going to be"
        My immediate thought: "But I don't WANT to write a blog! Why should I do this?!?!?!?!?" thought..."wait a sec....I already DO write a blog....but NOT for school....rawr." Yeah....ironically I don't mind writing in the Daily Dust (remind us to share how the blog got its name some time) but the idea of blogging for an education psychology class is unappealing, to say the least.

That's all for now folks!

PS I am taking a Japanese course this semester! Just thought I'd share that tidbit of information.

1 comment:

  1. Being forced to do something changes everything :P

    Speaking of psych, they did a study where they paid kids to color with felt tipped pens and the kids found they enjoyed it less.

    I think it's kind of the same idea since you have to do the blog for a grade.
