The Life and Times of Sayuri, Summer, and Regette

Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Summer's Funk

It seems that I have been out-posted by Reg.

I'm blaming the squirrels that live in her computer. I knew they had it out for me...

In any case, I should post. To be perfectly honest, I've been in a funk lately... I'm not sure why, but I've been acting like a typical teenager.

It's quite annoying.

Therefore, I've decided to save myself from becoming a useless slob that does nothing but eat junk and watch TV all day by creating a list.

A bucket list, if you will.

See, this is my senior year; the last year before I become responsible for myself.

Scary shit, huh?

It's not so much that I'm dreading graduation; it's more that I regret all I've done up til now.

By "all I've done up til now" I mean nothing.

Anyways, back to the list.

I decided that by creating a list of things I want to accomplish this year I'll prevent a depressing graduation. So... here it is. The first draft, anyway.

1. Eat The World's Hottest Pepper

As I've already told Reg and Sayuri about this goal, I'm hoping to do it when they're here. Unfortunately, it seems that that may not happen for a few years... nevertheless, I will do it this year!

2. Win The Concerto Competition as a Violist

I almost didn't put this one up, but then I thought "what am I afraid of? If I'm not willing to work hard enough to be a winner, then I should stop working altogether."

3. Become a Better Pianist

I'm not exactly interested in being a classical pianist, but I would love to get more comfortable arranging my own accompaniments. I tried my hand at it today, and it was really fun!

4. Finish "If"

For the last year or so, I've been writing a choral piece titled "If". I know exactly how the whole thing goes, but I want to get it onto paper before I forget it. If I can't finish this piece, then I'll never be a composer.

5. Excel In School

After my "sophomore slump" two years ago, I've been worried about how my grades might suffer in this busy year of mine. This, however, is merely a matter of hard work. If I put my mind to it, I can excel in all things I'm a part of this year. Unfortunately, this includes AP Gov, the class who's summer homework nearly puts me to sleep. Nevertheless, I shall persevere!

6. Become a Better Friend

I've been blessed with some of the most wonderful friends: Sayuri, Regette, Honey, and CR. However, it seems like I don't put any effort into keeping them. I hope to change that this year! I also hope to help them as much as I can.

7. Spend More Time With My Family

More specifically my sister. When I get my driver's license in a week or so, I hope to spend more time with her. It seems like I only see her on special occasions! Also, I'd like to get to know my extended family a bit more. One of my aunts has always made me and my siblings feel more than welcome, and I hope we can become more of a family with her.

8. Exercise Regularly and Maintain a Healthy Diet

I've already started this, but I have to say I fail miserably at it. Sure, I took a walk today and sure, I ate healthily for breakfast and lunch, but at dinnertime I just caved. Unacceptable, self! Unacceptable!

9. Become More Understanding

Sadly, my friends have come to know me as a bitter, easily angered person. I remember one day I told them I was going to try to become less bitter and they said "no, don't do that! We love bitter Summer!" It was so weird to realize that I'd become known for my bitterness. I hope to change that this year.

10. Get Into SJSU

For a while now I've been thinking of San Jose as my safety school, so how embarrassing would it be to not get accepted? If nowhere else, I'd like to at least get into San Jose State. Otherwise, I'll feel like burying my head in the sand (did you know that ostriches have suicidal tendencies?).

So there you have it, folks. I have no idea if I'll actually complete any of these this year, but by posting this I'm accepting that I'll feel terrible if I don't.

and I don't like feeling terrible.

I hope you can all be successful with your own lists (come on, you know you have one)! Please share, if you like!

Less than three,

~ Summer

p.s. When I ran spell check, I had spelled "embarrassing" wrong. Now that's embarrassing!


  1. You are a perfect friend. :)
    and dinner was amazing though! You should never regret giant raviolis.

    I know I spelled that wrong. Spelling is overrated. Don't worry that you couldn't spell embarrassing right.

    I couldn't spell my way out of a box though. But then again, why would I be trying to spell my way out of a box. If I was trapped in a box, I think I'd just grab a knife or some box cutters to get out. Or maybe I'd chew my way out of the box with my teeth.

    Why am I in the box in the first place?

    I love you Summer. Sorry I'm crazy.

  2. Haha! Oh my goodness your comment made me laugh xD

    I feel like your ending up in the box is some sort of conspiracy...

    or perhaps the box is metaphorical and you have to use some hardcore existentialist reasoning to escape?

    I... don't know :p

    I love YOU :) You're not crazy! You're one of the few sane people out there.

  3. I dislike the fact that you feel you have been in a funk very much dear sister. Please know that whenever you feel this way again the first thing you should do is CALL ME! Seriously, you are one of my best friends, and I never, never, EVER see you or hear from you. Ever. I realize that this is probably my fault. I really do need to see what I can do about getting up to see you more often.

    I love your list. I have been meaning to create my own "bucket list", but have yet to actually do it. I think that everything you listed are realistic and positive. I know that you will always be able to do anything you set your mind to. Just be careful when it comes to that pepper... I've seen some pretty interesting reactions from people after stuffing hot peppers into their mouths. It often involves tears, sweat, a bright red face, and the need to drink lots and lots of milk.

    I would like to be able to tell you that once you graduate high school and "grow up", all of the answers line up like stars in the milky way, and you never have to question yourself, or what you want out of life ever again. But sadly... That would be a lie. I don't think that anyone ever really has all the answers to life. That's what makes everything so interesting though! Don't worry so much about what you are going to "BE", but rather on what you are going to "DO" while you are alive. After all, when you are lying on your deathbed, life becomes nothing but a whole lot of memories of your adventures, and the people you love. Those are the two things you should put the most value on. I don't care what anyone else says. My mind is the only thing I'll be able to take with me when I die... And there isn't any room in their for a big fancy house, expensive clothes, or a fast car. So why is everyone so stressed about money all the time? Memories are what you create. Money is what you throw away. I guess what I am trying to say is that you shouldn't stress the future. If you focus on doing the things that make you happy, it is impossible for you to live a failed life.
