The Life and Times of Sayuri, Summer, and Regette

Monday, August 29, 2011

Summer's Facade

I know you.

You whip out your i-pod and listen to LMFAO or Lady Gaga. Maybe you actually like quality music.

However, I doubt you like musical theatre.

Don't try to deny it...

I know you.

That's why I'm taking this opportunity to link you to some of my favorite songs.

It's not at all because I'm lazy and have a huge paper due tomorrow.

Nope. This is definitely for your educational value.

1. Spring Awakening: All That's Known

I'll be honest with you. I don't care for this musical. Actually, it annoys me. Come on... a musical about sex? It seems like they were trying too hard to be edgy and modern. In any case, I do like this song. It's not life changing or anything, but I do like it.

2. Billy Elliot: Electricity

Oh my goodness. I love this musical. I love this song. I love Liam Mower. This morning my mom told me that if I save up enough money we might be able to see it in the spring... oh my goodness. My life would be made.

3. Next to Normal: Light

This is one of my absolute FAVORITE musicals of all time, which is saying something. Given, I've never actually seen it performed... to be perfectly honest, all I know about it is what I've heard on youtube. Nevertheless, I'm in love with it. It was so hard to choose a song to put here, because I love all of them... I chose this one because it's so powerful. Of course it's powerful... apparently, it's the final song. Final songs are ALWAYS epic!

4. Les Miserables: One Day More

This IS my absolute favorite musical of all time. I don't even know where to begin, so I just won't. All I can say is that if you don't love it, you don't have a soul. FACT.

5. Chess: Someone Else's Story

Oh, what I would give to be able to sing this song... let alone like Lea Salgona. Seriously, this is one of the few songs I would actually love to sing. but alas...

6. Jekyll and Hyde: Facade

I've always loved this song. It's so epic... definitely one of my favorites from this musical. I also love their epic top hats.

7. Rent: Seasons of Love

I'm sorry... I know everyone loves this song. but come on... it's brilliant! Probably the best in the show anyway.

8. Dreamgirls: And I Am Telling You, I'm Not Going

Unfortunately, I couldn't find a recording of the original cast. Oh well. It's such a powerful song! I've been singing it since I was tiny... sadly, not exactly the same as Jennifer Hudson.

9. Evita: Don't Cry For Me Argentina

Yes, another too-well-known song. Sometimes songs are well-known for a reason. Also, Elaine Paige is one of my favorite singers of all time. She's amazing in any role I've seen her play. Genius! Also, she is NOT dressed to the nines. That dress was a very, very bad idea.

10. Sunset Boulevard: As If We Never Said Goodbye

I bet you didn't know Glen Close could sing!

These songs were in no particular order, and they may not even be my favorite musical theatre songs of all time. However, they were the first ten that came to mind.

I hope you appreciate musical theatre a bit more now.

I equally hope that you now think of Chess as something more than "One Night In Bangkok". Seriously. That song isn't even all that good.

Less than three,

~ Summer

p.s. This song is the story of my life: Seriously. Sometimes it scares me how much I can relate to this character...

1 comment:

  1. I couldn't listen to all of them, but your selections definitely made my Thursday worthwhile.

    Especially since we're so bored we've themed the days of the week so they are alliterative.

    Thursday is "Theatrical Thursday" now by the way. :)
