The Life and Times of Sayuri, Summer, and Regette

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Summer Forgot to Title This Post

Hello, love!

If I told you that Reg and I haven't been posting because we're working on something AWESOME, would you believe me?

No.  You probably wouldn't.

Anyways, I've decided to post a quick entry because I read something today that left me quite baffled.

In one of my mom's friend's facebook statuses, said friend said something about being "annoying as hell to everyone."

While the actual content of that status is pretty easy to understand, the misuse of "hell" sort of got to me after I thought about if for a while.  After thinking about it for a little more, I realized just how much of a filler word "hell" has become.  I mean, really.  Hell is annoying? Do you get sent down there and go "damn, not again..." and stomp your foot?

Also, how would one know if hell was annoying? I always thought of it as more horrifying, but apparently hell is annoying, jumpy, insightful, and weird (those are just a few examples of actual misuses of the word).

It's also become a sort of filler word...  "What the hell was that?" and "What was that?" mean the same thing.  So why the hell do we use it so much? Why do we use it so much?

I think...
Hell used to be on the state tests, where "gliff" is today.  Originally it was f***, but as the word f*** took on another meaning they had to take it out (that's how f*** started getting misused as well!).  Then they changed it to hell, but they took it out when they got sued by an atheist for making their child accept a religious concept.  The new word then became "gliff".

and in case you were wondering, YES...  f*** has been around before it had a meaning, and state tests have been around since the beginning of time.

So you know what I think we should do?

Make "gliff" a cuss word! Then they would have to change it again! That would be lovely...

Unfortunately, no one would think it was a bad word.  Mehh.

Less than three,

~ Summer

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