The Life and Times of Sayuri, Summer, and Regette

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Summer's Answers

Number nine of the list sounds fun!

9. Create a Q&A post. What are some common questions people have and what are their answers?

What I'm going to do is go to google and type in the beginning word of possible questions and see what comes up for suggested searches! It's like the google verb tag game, but better.

Here goes!

Q: What is love?
A: Do you want to know what love is? Do you want me to show you? Love is a four-letter synonym for "coffee".

Q: Where is Chuck Norris?
A: Clearly, Chuck Norris is hanging out in an underground tunnel playing checkers with Elvis and Justin Beaver.

Q: Why is the sky blue?
A: To answer that, I have to give you a bit of history. Originally, the sky was orange. Then one day a couple of those mythical god guys got super wasted and were like "DUUUUDE! We should like make the sky BLUUUUUUUUUUE!" And so it was done. The next day the other mythical gods found out and got all pissed. They were all "dude, not cool! Now the idiot humans are gonna get all mad and stuff! Put it back, man!" However, before they could change it back to orange, the gods noticed something strange about the humans below. They were all acting nice and stuff because they thought the gods had made the sky blue to warn them that if they didn't start being better people the entire world would be covered in water (contrary to popular belief, water has always been blue. Some people think that it's blue because it reflects the sky, but nope. It's definitely naturally blue). Since the humans were being nice and stuff, the gods didn't want to spoil their good behavior by changing the sky's color. The sky has been blue ever since. Also, that's where rain came from. Occasionally the mythical gods liked to f*** with our minds by making us think the water prophecy was coming true. Pricks.

Q: When is Easter?
A: If you don't know this, then you're a failure. Please get some help.

Q: Does he like me?
A: No.

Q: Is kebjumba a heterosexual bear wrestler?
A: ... I was so confused when I saw this in the search bar that I had to google it. Here's what I found: Not fair, kevjumba. Not fair. I wish that when I typed "Is Summer" into google the words "is Summer a BAMFing pirate-ninja" would pop up in the search bar, but unlike kevjumba I don't control the internet. Bahh.

That's all, folks!

Less than three,

~ Summer

p.s. Have a question of your own? Let us know in the comments or on our facebook page!


  1. Brilliant. But Summer, when IS Easter? :P

  2. Reg's logical proof.

    According to the rat bastard: the purpose of life = love

    According to Reg and Summer: Love = coffee

    Thus: Coffee= the purpose of life.

    And Summer is a mildly awesome ninja who likes sandwiches.
