The Life and Times of Sayuri, Summer, and Regette

Monday, June 27, 2011

The secret life of bankers...or just the interesting people Reg watches when she has nothing better to do

I was going to just copy Summer and write a list disillusioning you to the secret lives of bankers because I'm not feeling very original.

I won't though. I think I signed a stack of papers that could fill a three inch binder agreeing that I wouldn't.

I can tell you that banking and I get along just dandy. Firstly, the hours (9-5) are perfect. I get to sleep in. Also, there is free coffee and cookies on Fridays. Let me repeat that: free coffee.

Thus, banking and I are in love.

I will, however, tell you more about the skirt lady, and the other interesting people I see daily.

Skirt lady: Today at 11, the infamous skirt lady strutted by the office, her red thong prevalent as a whale's tail above her ever-shrinking skirt. I have come to believe perhaps she is a prostitute...but I think she may be confused as to her hours.

Mikey: Mikey is the resident homeless man. He likes to shake his fist and cuss out cars. Once he stopped me as I left work and asked me if I was, "taking the elevator to Seattle today." I smiled and nodded as I walked away.

A trick to dealing with Mikey: if you smile and wave to him as he curses your vehicle, he will stop.

Hoodlum skateboarding kids: The skateboarding kids like to loiter by the neighboring pizza place. Occasionally we try to open the door as they skate by on the sidewalk.

Gansta guys: The gansta guys like to have altercations in the back ally. I wish that the window was like a T.V. and that I could turn up the volume, because I always wonder what they fight about.

I'm sure there are more to write about--like Captain America, the old man on the tricked out electric wheel-chair; or the ever on again-off again couple that accidentally left their child at the shopping center across the street, but I'll end my list here.

I would also like to mention that since I started work I have never seen so many arrests. It's like the show COPs but..real...

Your butterfly,



  1. haha wave to me from TV Reg!

  2. Ohh my goodness this was a riot xD Love you Reg! I don't envy your work location, though...
