The Life and Times of Sayuri, Summer, and Regette

Thursday, June 30, 2011

What Reg dislikes about the system

Since I've graduated high school (it's been a long three weeks) I have been employed full time.


Because I have to pay for college.


Because though I'm 17, I have to be the fiscally responsible one. (I'm thinking back to all those Christmases when business was good and Dad thought he was Santa "Patron Silver for everyone!") I suppose no one thought I'd actually go to college. No one else in the family did.

So, I decided the moment I graduate, I am starting a college fund for my future children ( and by "my" I mean the children Sayuri will raise). That way they do not have to work full time and take out massive student loans to make up the difference.

Then I thought, "but I want them to suffer as I did..."

So, I decided I will start their college fund the moment I graduate...and never tell them about it. Then they will end up with a full-time job when they are 17 and stress about the inevitable debt they will incur from student loans (making them responsible adults, of course) but I will surprise them with their college fund just before their freshman year.

I'm still hoping that, since great minds think alike, that my father also had a similar plan.

But there is an empty tequila bottle laughing at me--a relic from better days--proving otherwise.


  1. This is so sad =(

  2. I appreciate the raising of the children comment. I'll pull a leaf from Summer and raise them to have holey jeans so they have to wear booty shorts and uggs :P
