The Life and Times of Sayuri, Summer, and Regette

Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Hospitals: a rant by Sayuri

There are a few things hospitals can do to improve the stay of their patients and I feel now (as I am sitting in a hospital) is a perfect time to point them out.

First, and foremost as it is the most obnoxious to me right now and I'm not even the patient: The dinging. Is it REALLY FREAKING NECESSARY?
It's not like "code blue....beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeepppppppp" no, it's just a "hey, I'm taking your vital signs right now, don't mind me" ding. It's medium to high pitched and if it had a purpose I would welcome it, but no nurse comes to check on my grandfather when it dings. It just continues to ding or beep, an almost constant noisome noise in the background. As if that wouldn't be annoying enough in daylight hours, the man is trying to sleep! Lord, have mercy.

Second: is a three+ hour wait between when they decide to admit you and when you are actually moved to a room necessary? It's not a five star hotel where they have to make a king size bed up all nice and fancy for ya. I understand when there is a wait for a room, but three+ hours seems a little excessive.

Third: Food. If someone has to stay or potentially may stay, why not let them know they can have food so they don't have to starve? Instead, a family member/friend has to track down a doctor or nurse and try to worm an answer out of them while they try to make their way around the hospital.

Don't get me wrong. I appreciate doctors and nurses as many I have met are quite amicable, others could take a bedside manner class or six (hundred). All I'm saying is, simple things could go a long way in making the lives of people (who're already stressed/worried/sick) a LOT more comfortable.

          From the direct observation unit,

1 comment:

  1. I hope Papa is better soon, dear. :(

    and thanks for the burrito! you are the best ever. None of us deserves you, you are too amazing!
