The Life and Times of Sayuri, Summer, and Regette

Thursday, June 16, 2011

The infamous skirt lady from Reg's work...

I always feel like the world is watching me when I step outside my front door.

This feeling usually prevents me from doing embarrassing things that I would prefer strangers not to see.

However, this feeling is absent in the infamous skirt lady. As I have nothing better to do than observe her from my office window and report on her habits later, I shall tell you her everyday routine.

First, she strolls down the street in her little skirt. A wise English teacher once gave me this simile comparing essays to skirts: An essay is like a skirt--both should be long enough to cover everything, but short enough to keep things interesting. This skirt keeps things too interesting....and also is not her friend.

Next, she stops by the shiniest car in the parking lot and gives herself a good look.

Finally, she pulls up both sides of her thong so they are visible above her skirt.

I feel bad for this skirt lady--for as I only feel as if the whole world is staring at me, five suits in an office are actually staring at her.

Your butterfly,

1 comment:

  1. Aww, poor skirt lady! Although I'm glad she's providing a bit of amusement for you... what ELSE are you supposed to stare at?! xD I feel like someone should put their arm around her and say "I can help you" in a comforting sort of way...
