The Life and Times of Sayuri, Summer, and Regette

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Death: an Embrace by Sayuri

As much as most hate to admit it, our lives are not our own. Each year, month, week, hour, minute, second, brings us closer to death; and part of life is accepting that. Death can be a scary thing. The idea of the unknown, not knowing what is going to happen, it's a scary idea. Death is just another beginning. Maybe if we had thoughts as fetuses the idea of birth was scary. Maybe (if you are a Buddhist) the idea of being a human while you were living life as a spider seemed like a terrible thing. Regardless, it's just another step. Everyone is mortal. For those of us who are alive now, we must embrace the fact that at some point, we're all going to die. It's not a bad thing. It's a breath of fresh air. A new place to explore. The first budding flower in the spring. Death, isn't a monster that we should fear, but another piece of the life we love. Death is a friend, a benefactor. Death brings us one step closer to eternal life with people we love. To quote a wise, wise man "be not afraid of afraid of the un-lived life." (Tuck Everlasting).


1 comment:

  1. Poetic, but kinda dark.

    What inspired this one?
