The Life and Times of Sayuri, Summer, and Regette

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Summer's Hero

What is a hero?

Is it someone who saves a baby from a burning building?

Someone who runs a soup kitchen?

Someone who dresses in skin-tight clothing and shouts lame catch phrases?


However, my personal hero is none of these things.

He is Daniel.

Daniel's music teacher once told him "music is communism, but you're playing democracy."

I suppose this was meant as a negative thing, but I like to think that Daniel took this in stride; I would.

I think a more accurate statement would have been "orchestra is communism", as music itself is self-created but orchestra members are taught to be like their neighbor and do what the man tells them to do.

In any case, as a violinist in an orchestra Daniel was expected to...  Well, be like his neighbor and do what the man told him to do.

So what did he do?

He suddenly started playing the soundtrack of Jurassic Park while the orchestra was playing Brandenburg Concerto No. 3 in a concert.

Now, your hero may have arrested a criminal, saved a dolphin, or helped your grandmother across the street.

My hero?

He got kicked out of an orchestra for beating the system and f***ing the institution.

Now that's what I call inspiring.

Less than three,

~ Summer


  1. I agree, very inspirational :)

  2. He's my hero too. I totally marry that.
