The Life and Times of Sayuri, Summer, and Regette

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Regette's Diary-- insight into a life of someone sick during spring break

And the Dailydust blogging pals presents: Regette's Diary

Dear Diary,

Today I flirted with the check out man at Target using only my eyes for I can hardly speak due to chronic bronchitis. He was probably 30, and his face had a tattoo. He told me to have a nice day.

 I went home to my house and took a nap on the couch/bed. I did not go to my actual bed because it is too much work to jump from the doorway, over the pile of crap, to the bed. My dog jumped on me and I hid my head under the covers saying "bother, bother, bother."

I woke, watched Dr. Who for 5 hours (because I believe bow ties and tweed are sexy) and read funny articles on I checked facebook 5 times, but there were no new notifications. It made me sad.

 I drank coffee(click here too) and I took lots of meds to stop the pounding in my skull. Then I ate Hamburger Helper for dinner because that's what bachelors eat and my chef is a bachelor. I could not taste it because my nose is stuffy. It was bland.

I saw my cat had disemboweled a gopher on the porch because he loves me so. He must have devoured the rest of the remains. I thought of the poor wee gopher and I cried.

Your butterfly,

p.s. that was a reference to this vid. My day wasn't bad (eh. but it wasn't great) and I did not cry. But there was a dead gopher.


  1. Very good diary entry my dear. The dead gopher is quite sad, but I approve of the potter puppet pals entry =)


  2. This... Just made my life. xD

    Bother... Bother... Bother...
