The Life and Times of Sayuri, Summer, and Regette

Monday, April 25, 2011

On Homework and Procrastination----a confession from Sayuri

It's that time of night again, time for the dreaded "what's due tomorrow?" question that plagues the day before classes resume again from the fabulous break known as a "weekend". I, the "morally sound country girl who knows all the words to Seether", must admit that I am also a chronic procrastinator. This would not be a problem if...well, to be honest it isn't really a problem LOL. Although sometimes it means that sleep and I take a break from being BFF (FFFFFFFFFFFF)'s, it also means more time for my friends, family, and just general goofing off. It leaves plenty of time for me to conquer the frontier, experience the Oregon trail (gotta love facebook games), blog, travel around stumbleupon, watch ALL of Titanic, listen to Nickelback, etc., etc. So instead of writing my 100-200 word letter to the editor (word count based on the requirements of the newspaper NOT my written communications class) about how wonderful my alma mater is, I am typing to the viewers I love so dearly.
     It should be noted that not everybody can pull off my procrastination. It doesn't work for everybody. I cannot write essays early or they have no focus, can't read when I have lots of time or my mind wanders and I am left wondering what I spent the last three hours attempting to read....and just to show how distracted I get, there was a three hour pause between writing the above, and writing this sentence. Wish me luck, I need all of the help I can get LOL.

                 ~A procrastinator at heart,

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