The Life and Times of Sayuri, Summer, and Regette

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Summer's Holidays

And so I tell you...  Happy Easter.

On large holidays, I become a closet coffee drinker as my extended family does not approve of my habit.

This may not seem like a big deal to you, but to me it's COLOSSAL.

It's like if you walked into the room with your kid and your family was like "Sorry man, you can stay but your kid is too ugly.  It's gonna have to wait outside."

Or if you walked in the room and they were like "Sorry! We don't like your soul.  GET OUT!"

Yeah.  It's more like the second one.

So anyways, to compensate for this, I have to guzzle GALLONS of coffee before someone comes over to find me.

Yes...  They find me.

Then I have to speak through my nose so that they don't smell the coffee on my breath.  This never goes well...

"So Summer, how's work going?" "Hwee, hi hoyyk hwee hi huhooh." "I'm sorry, what?" "Hi hwet, hi hoyyk hwee hi huhoohhh.  Hoo howw?"

Yeah.  I'm not exaggerating.

After they give up on talking to me, there is food to eat and water to drink but NO COFFEE.

Which means there is no laughter to be had, no smile to give, and no moment to be shared.

Then come the pictures.

"Okay everyone, SMILE!"

Yeah.  Like THAT'S going to happen.

Anyways, this is my kooky way of saying Happy Easter to all of you.  I hope it was great, and that you were able to share it with those you love!

That is all.

Less than three,

~ Summer


  1. I'm sorry about the fam. I, of course, approve of your habit and greatly enjoy your coffee-making-skillage.

  2. I, like Reg, am equally sorry about the family-coffee situation...I think to spite them you should get a job at starbucks and ask for coffee any time they mention birthdays or other gift-giving holidays :)
