The Life and Times of Sayuri, Summer, and Regette

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

A Midnight Rendezvous with Sayuri

So, it's approximately 12:54 a.m. here, and I am awake writing a research paper for English. Ahh, the glories of procrastination. So naturally, in the middle of my writing, I thought "hey, I should post and let the world know what's up" here I am, posting "what is up". Around 2 hours ago, I went for a moonlit stroll around the lake with my guy where we discussed random things, both silly and serious. We then proceeded to talk for a couple of hours and BAM...two hours later here I am, sprite & a kit kat in hand while I continue to procrastinate on my paper. IF any of you blog readers out there would care to write my English paper for me within the next...oh, 8:30 hours, you just might be my hero =P lol. Just kidding guys, I frown upon academic dishonesty....I am also rather hyper at the moment so forgive any strange thought process is just on fire...and now I must return to my paper ( =(  <---- super sad face)....and I shall let you all know how it goes.
With love and distraction,


  1. awww-to the lake comment. I'd do your essay for you, if you would trade and do my math for me. :P

  2. Awww, so sweet! :)

    You should totally post part of your paper...!
