The Life and Times of Sayuri, Summer, and Regette

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Prom-- a last note from Regette, whose date did not wear a fedora, was taller,and remarkably intelligent.

Prom...Should I really post about it again? For the fourth-ish time?

Eh, I suppose I must, considering.

Let me first pose a question: How do you know if a date is good?

Is it when I can name the band that plays every song playing on his car radio?When he says that he likes Chopin almost as much as he likes rock?

 Is it when he pays for everything--corsage, dinner, ticket, pictures? When he lends me his coat because it's cold, and pulls the chair out for me when I sit?

Is it that he's smart enough to find my house on google maps when my street doesn't even have a street sign? The fact that he doesn't flinch from saying, "Hello, sir" even though my dad clearly has a revolver in his belt as he stands on the porch?

What do I do with this "good" date? Do I reward him with a hug, a peck on the cheek (surely no mac-out-age, because I'm still recovering from being sick and that's really gross)?

Or do I do what I actually did? (in magical hypothetical world. I mean, it has already been done, I can't change it)

Which is--after he walks me to the front door and waits expectantly, I unlock the door as quickly as possible and unleash my crazy, barking-mad dog and feign dismay as I try to prevent her from jumping on him.

I think I should have a close friend give him the "It's not you, Regette just has problems with displays of emotion/personal space issues" talk, so he doesn't feel as if he has woefully struck out.

Your butterfly,

P.S. I have made a slightly lowered standard list for men based on speaking with my Honey-poo that I will include. Enjoy.

Men must be:

1)Well dressed
2)Taller than me
3)Not wearing a fedora (I saw a fedora at prom! The rat bastard himself! [My date was taller/not in a fedora= I win])
4) Intelligent/ has a life goal  (physics, biochemistry, computer stuff I don't understand)
5) Active (as in not sedentary couch potato)
6)Older than me (by 6 mo-8 years)

If the top 6 is fulfilled, looks are...meh. Oh well.

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