The Life and Times of Sayuri, Summer, and Regette

Monday, May 23, 2011

Summer's Lesson part 2

If there's one thing I've had to hear a million and one times in choir, it's that the purpose of music is for it to be shared.

If your eyebrows are raised by that, don't be alarmed: so are mine.

See, I always thought the purpose of music was for it to serve any purpose you need it for at the time.  Music can be therapeutic, energizing, tear-jerking, tranquil, obnoxious, beautiful, and alright.  It can be more adjectives than any dictionary will ever hope to hold.  Music is what it is to you, which means it's whatever it is.  I know all these definitions are obnoxiously vague, but they're also incredibly descriptive.  Music can be even more personal to you than your own thoughts, you see?

So that's why I was a little confused when hearing that music is meant to be shared.  When music is shared it's one of the most beautiful things capable and incapable of being known.  However, that doesn't make it its purpose.  I can give you a bite of my apple, but that doesn't mean that apple exists for the sole purpose of being shared with you.  No.  That apple exists to grow and die.  What happens between that time is consequence, not purpose.  That's only one of the differences.

I know it seems like all my posts are about music, but it's a little hard to ignore music when it's constantly inside your head.

Getting back to the point, music is simply what it is to you, not to the beholder.  Music is my world...  my safe haven.  Sometimes I invite people into my world and it's wonderful, but often I keep it to myself.  I'm not saying that that's how it should be for everyone, I'm simply saying that that's what music is to me.  That's what music is to me which makes it music's purpose, and I'll be damned if anyone will tell me differently.

So I guess what I'm getting at is sometimes people will try to tell you something so absurd that you'll consider it's validity.  Want a piece of advice? DON'T.  Don't ever doubt something without great, great cause.  Someone telling you something is the way they think it is is NOT cause, let alone great, great cause.  It may not seem like it, but sometime's you are right.  It's wrong to believe someone wrong is right, therefore making you feel wrong which by default makes them right.  It's wrong to feel you're always wrong...  if you always think you're wrong, then of course you are.  How could you be right if you can't even trust yourself?

I know this post is rambling on and on because it's bloody late and I stopped making sense about 7:00 this morning.  With that in mind, I'm going to go to bed.

I think the purpose of this blog was to tell you that if you EVER doubt yourself without great, great cause, I will personally come kick your ass.  Got it?

I less than three you anyway...

~ Summer

p.s.  Want to hear a good song? Here's a good place to look: I'm actually thinking of doing this song as my final solo because it's beautiful and unique.  Thoughts?

p.p.s.  Look! Look! We're on FACEBOOK! HOORAY~!!!!/pages/The-Daily-Dust/124185710995272

p.p.p.s.  You didn't click the link? :'( I'm crying a little...  and a lot...


  1. very deep Summer =) ... I approve <3

  2. Aww Alex day. Love love love. You should totally do that as a solo.

  3. Why thank you, Sayuri! Love you~

    Ohh Alex Day... He is so great. And talented. And awesome. I'm convinced! I shall do that as my solo :)
