The Life and Times of Sayuri, Summer, and Regette

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Summer's Weather

It is raining.

Most people, Honey included, LOOOOOVE the sun and think the rain is miserable.  While I can agree that rain does ruin your hair and often results in sopping socks, I feel that rain deserves some love.  Therefore, I've dedicated this post to the top reasons why my favorite weather shouldn't be everyone's least favorite weather.

1.  It's beautiful.

I don't think there's anything more lovely than fresh rain falling outside my window.  It gives the world a sense of relief, like when you focus all your emotions into one good cry.  Plus, it's the closest thing to snow where I live.

2.  It sounds beautiful.

Who doesn't love the gentle sound of rain pattering on their roof, or splashing pleasantly to the ground?

3.  It smells beautiful.

That new rain smell...  Nothing can compare! It's like new car smell for nature.  Everything gets scrubbed and rinsed, leaving nature in it's purest, most delicious-smelling form.

4.  It makes everything look beautiful.

Looking outside after a long rain is like getting glasses after...  needing glasses.  Seriously! Everything looks so much sharper and the colors are much more vibrant.  It's nature's editing program! Plus, men always look hotter in the rain...  I can't say why, though.

5.  It saves you the trouble of trying to make your hair look beautiful.

It's like a get out of jail free card! If it's raining outside, then there's no point to fixing your hair because the rain is just gonna ruin it anyways.  Plus, everyone around you will have rain hair so you won't have to feel inferior!

6.  It gives beautiful people the opportunity to lend you their coat.

Nuff said.

So that's my oh-so-logical justification of my favorite weather...  Describe your favorite weather and why in the comments below!

Less than three,

~ Summer

p.s.  The Daily Dust is on facebook! Check it out and give us some love~!/pages/The-Daily-Dust/124185710995272


  1. Yay facebook! btw, I'm looking out my window right now and it is raining. WTF?

  2. I don't live in California for weather like this. Admittedly, rainy is good once in a while.
