The Life and Times of Sayuri, Summer, and Regette

Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Summer's Pet Peeve

You know what I hate?

When I bump the table and my coffee spills everywhere.

You know what I also hate?

Public restrooms.

I mean, they're a good idea in theory, but in reality they're just one of life's cruel, cruel jokes.  Not only are they usually gross and lacking appropriate ventilation, but they also must be shared with a myriad of people who don't understand the concept of bathroom etiquette.  For example...

People who totally trash the place.

Story time.  You're sitting in class and that 20oz soda is really starting to live up to its name, so you decide to go to the restroom.  You go to the first stall only to find toilet paper covering the floor.  Unshaken, you move on to the next stall.  This one's clogged.  The next stall...  Well, you get the picture.  My point is, is it really that hard to just use a restroom without raking havoc on the place?! It almost seems like it would take more effort to trash the place than to just leave it alone.

People who stand for HOURS fixing their makeup.

This is one of my hugest pet peeves of all time.  Seriously.  All you want to do is wash your hands and vamoose, but here's some Marylin reapplying her mascara and totally blocking the sink.  Is it really that difficult to bring a mirror to school?

People who talk to you while you're going to the bathroom.

Seriously, that's just awkward.

All in all, I suppose public restrooms are a good thing...  I just wish people didn't treat them like the beach on the fourth of July.

Less than three,

~ Summer


  1. I'm glad that you didn't write mainly about the coffee spilling when you bumped the table. My poor heart couldn't have taken that much sorrow.

  2. Neither could mine... Neither. Could. Mine.

    ~ Summer
